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core_server - Online in the Cloud

Run core_server in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command core_server that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



core_server - The primary server for SpamBayes.


Currently serves the web interface only. Plugging in listeners for various protocols is
TBD. This is a first cut at creating a standalone server which uses a plugin architecture
to support different protocols. The primary motivation is that web apps like MoinMoin,
Trac and Roundup can use spam detection, but they don't necessarily provide the mechanisms
necessary to save ham and spam databases for retraining. By providing protocol plugins
you should be able to fairly easily provide (for example) an XML-RPC interface web apps
can use. The core server takes care of all the training bells and whistles.


core_server.py [options]


-h : Displays this help message.

-P module :

Identify plugin module to use (required)

-d FILE : use the named DBM database file -p FILE : the the named Pickle database
file -u port : User interface listens on this port number

(default 8880; Browse http://localhost:8880/)

-b : Launch a web browser showing the user interface.

-o section:option:value :

set [section, option] in the options database to value

All command line arguments and switches take their default values from the
[html_ui] section of bayescustomize.ini.

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