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funtable - copy selected rows from a Funtools file to a FITS binary table


funtable [-a] [-i⎪-z] [-m] [-s cols] <iname> <oname> [columns]


-a # append to existing output file as a table extension
-i # for image data, only generate X and Y columns
-m # for tables, write a separate file for each region
-s "col1 ..." # columns on which to sort
-z # for image data, output zero-valued pixels


funtable selects rows from the specified FITS Extension (binary table only) of a FITS
file, or from a non-FITS raw event file, and writes those rows to a FITS binary table
file. It also will create a FITS binary table from an image or a raw array file.

The first argument to the program specifies the FITS file, raw event file, or raw array
file. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from the standard input. Use Funtools
Bracket Notation to specify FITS extensions, and filters. The second argument is the
output FITS file. If "stdout" is specified, the FITS binary table is written to the
standard output. By default, all columns of the input file are copied to the output file.
Selected columns can be output using an optional third argument in the form:

"column1 column1 ... columnN"

The funtable program generally is used to select rows from a FITS binary table using Table
Filters and/or Spatial Region Filters. For example, you can copy only selected rows (and
output only selected columns) by executing in a command such as:

[sh] funtable "test.ev[pha==1&&pi==10]" stdout "x y pi pha" ⎪ fundisp stdin
------- ------- ------- ---------
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10
1 10 1 10

The special column $REGION can be specified to write the region id of each row:

[sh $] funtable "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99&&annulus(0 0 0 10 n=3)]" stdout 'x y time $REGION' ⎪ fundisp stdin
-------- -------- --------------------- ----------
5 -6 40.99000000 3
4 -5 59.99000000 2
-1 0 154.99000000 1
-2 1 168.99000000 1
-3 2 183.99000000 2
-4 3 199.99000000 2
-5 4 216.99000000 2
-6 5 234.99000000 3
-7 6 253.99000000 3

Here only rows with the proper fractional time and whose position also is within one of
the three annuli are written.

Columns can be excluded from display using a minus sign before the column:

[sh $] funtable "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99]" stdout "-time" ⎪ fundisp stdin
-------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- -----------
5 -6 5 -6 5.50 -6.50
4 -5 4 -5 4.50 -5.50
-1 0 -1 0 -1.50 0.50
-2 1 -2 1 -2.50 1.50
-3 2 -3 2 -3.50 2.50
-4 3 -4 3 -4.50 3.50
-5 4 -5 4 -5.50 4.50
-6 5 -6 5 -6.50 5.50
-7 6 -7 6 -7.50 6.50

All columns except the time column are written.

In general, the rules for activating and de-activating columns are:

· If only exclude columns are specified, then all columns but the exclude columns will
be activated.

· If only include columns are specified, then only the specified columns are activated.

· If a mixture of include and exclude columns are specified, then all but the exclude
columns will be active; this last case is ambiguous and the rule is arbitrary.

In addition to specifying columns names explicitly, the special symbols + and - can be
used to activate and de-activate all columns. This is useful if you want to activate the
$REGION column along with all other columns. According to the rules, the syntax "$REGION"
only activates the region column and de-activates the rest. Use "+ $REGION" to activate
all columns as well as the region column.

Ordinarily, only the selected table is copied to the output file. In a FITS binary table,
it sometimes is desirable to copy all of the other FITS extensions to the output file as
well. This can be done by appending a '+' sign to the name of the extension in the input
file name. For example, the first command below copies only the EVENT table, while the
second command copies other extensions as well:

[sh] funtable "/proj/rd/data/snr.ev[EVENTS]" events.ev
[sh] funtable "/proj/rd/data/snr.ev[EVENTS+]" eventsandmore.ev

If the input file is an image or a raw array file, then funtable will generate a FITS
binary table from the pixel values in the image. Note that it is not possible to specify
the columns to output (using command-line argument 3). Instead, there are two ways to
create such a binary table from an image. By default, a 3-column table is generated, where
the columns are "X", "Y", and "VALUE". For each pixel in the image, a single row (event)
is generated with the "X" and "Y" columns assigned the dim1 and dim2 values of the image
pixel, respectively and the "VALUE" column assigned the value of the pixel. With sort of
table, running funhist on the "VALUE" column will give the same results as running funhist
on the original image.

If the -i ("individual" rows) switch is specified, then only the "X" and "Y" columns are
generated. In this case, each positive pixel value in the image generates n rows (events),
where n is equal to the integerized value of that pixel (plus 0.5, for floating point
data). In effect, -i approximately recreates the rows of a table that would have been
binned into the input image. (Of course, this is only approximately correct, since the
resulting x,y positions are integerized.)

If the -s [col1 col2 ... coln] ("sort") switch is specified, the output rows of a binary
table will be sorted using the specified columns as sort keys. The sort keys must be
scalar columns and also must be part of the output file (i.e. you cannot sort on a column
but not include it in the output). This facility uses the _sort program (included with
funtools), which must be accessible via your path.

For binary tables, the -m ("multiple files") switch will generate a separate file for each
region in the filter specification i.e. each file contains only the rows from that region.
Rows which pass the filter but are not in any region also are put in a separate file.

The separate output file names generated by the -m switch are produced automatically from
the root output file to contain the region id of the associated region. (Note that region
ids start at 1, so that the file name associated with id 0 contains rows that pass the
filter but are not in any given region.) Output file names are generated as follows:

· A $n specification can be used anywhere in the root file name (suitably quoted to
protect it from the shell) and will be expanded to be the id number of the associated
region. For example:

funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' 'foo.goo_$n.fits'

will generate files named foo.goo_0.fits (for rows not in any region but still passing
the filter), foo.goo_1.fits (rows in region id #1, the first region), foo.goo_2.fits
(rows in region id #2), etc. Note that single quotes in the output root are required
to protect the '$' from the shell.

· If $n is not specified, then the region id will be placed before the first dot (.) in
the filename. Thus:

funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' foo.evt.fits

will generate files named foo0.evt.fits (for rows not in any region but still passing
the filter), foo1.evt.fits (rows in region id #1), foo2.evt.fits (rows in region id
#2), etc.

· If no dot is specified in the root output file name, then the region id will be
appended to the filename. Thus:

funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' 'foo_evt'

will generate files named foo_evt0 (for rows not in any region but still passing the
filter), foo_evt1 (rows in region id #1), foo_evt2 (rows in region id #2), etc.

The multiple file mechanism provide a simple way to generate individual source data files
with a single pass through the data.

By default, a new FITS file is created and the binary table is written to the first
extension. If the -a (append) switch is specified, the table is appended to an existing
FITS file as a BINTABLE extension. Note that the output FITS file must already exist.

If the -z ("zero" pixel values) switch is specified and -i is not specified, then pixels
having a zero value will be output with their "VALUE" column set to zero. Obviously, this
switch does not make sense when individual events are output.

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