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jpeg2yuv - Online in the Cloud

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jpeg2yuv - Convert jpeg images to the yuv format.


jpeg2yuv [-b num] [-f num] [-I num] [-A ratio] [-L num] [-n num] [-l num] [-j filename]


jpeg2yuv decompresses a sequence of JPEG files and pipes the image data to stdout as a
YUV4MPEG2 stream. Any JPEG format supported by libjpeg can be read. stdout will be
filled with the YUV4MPEG2 movie data stream, so be prepared to pipe it on to mpeg2enc or
to write it into a file.


jpeg2yuv accepts the following options:

-b num
Frame offset: skip output of the first 'num' frames. (default: 0)

-f num
Set the frame rate of stream accepts the same numbers. No default, this option has
to be specified.

-A ratio
Sample aspect ratio. Default is square pixels (1:1)

-I num
interlacing mode: p = none / progressive
t = top field first
b = bottom field first
No default, this option has to be specified.

-L num
0 = non-interlaced (two successive fields per JPEG file)
1 = interlaced fields

-l num
Specifies the number of loops (default: 0 loops )
When this option is not used the given range of images is only processed once. If you
use this option with num of -1 jpeg2yuv will loop forever writing the image to
stdout. When you use n > 0 it will loop n-times till it finishes.

-n num
Specifies the number of frames to process. (default: all = -1)

-j {1}%{2}d{3}
Read JPEG frames with the name components as follows:
{1} JPEG filename prefix (e g: picture_ )
{2} Counting placeholder (like in C, printf, eg 06 ))
{3} File extension. Something like this: .jpg A correct description of the files
could look like this: picture_%06d.jpg

If this option is omited, the filenames are read from stdin. For example:
$ls *jpg | jpeg2yuv -f 25 -I p > result.yuv

-R 1 or 0
rescale YUV color values from 0-255 to 16-235 (default: 1)

-v num
Verbosity level (0, 1 or 2)

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