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mca2edf - Online in the Cloud

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mca2edf - Convert SPEC file format files to EDF format


mca2edf [OPTIONS] [FILES]


X-ray maps were stored at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility as a set of images
in ESRF Data Format (EDF). The image rows being associated to points of a horizontal
sample scan and the image columns to the spectrum channels.

This tool allows one to convert a set of files wrapped by the PyMca Toolkit as SPEC file
format, and therefore without sample position information, to European Synchrotron
Radiation Facility data format (EDF).

Its usefulness is nowdays somehow limited because recent PyMca developements allow to
reshape nspectra x nchannels datasets in the tools making use of the shape information
(pymcaroitool, pymcapostbatch).


Open a dialog to select input files, output directory and the
number of spectra on each horizontal row.

mca2edf --outdir=/tmp --mcastep=2 *.mca
Convert all the .mca files in current directory to a set of EDF
files containing two spectra. The output is placed in /tmp

mca2edf --outdir=/tmp --mcastep=2 --listfile=input_file
Same as before but applied to all the files listed in input_file.
Each line of input_file must contain a valid file name.

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