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pjrec - Online in the Cloud

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pjrec - reconstruction from projections


pjrec projection-file image-file nx-image ny-image [OPTIONS]


pjrec takes projection data from raysum-fileP and produces an (IF) image file image-file,
of size nx-image by ny-image pixels, containing the reconstructed image.


pjrec accepts the following options, which control the reconstruction algorithm:

--interp Interpolation method during backprojection

Nearest neighbor interpolation

linear Linear interpolation

Preinterpolation factor (default = 1). Used only with frequency-based

--filter Filter name

abs_bandlimit Abs * Bandlimiting (default)

abs_sinc Abs * Sinc

abs_cosine Abs * Cosine

abs_hamming Abs * Hamming

shepp Shepp-Logan

bandlimit Bandlimiting

sinc Sinc

cosine Cosine

triangle Triangle

hamming Hamming

Filter method before backprojections

convolution Spatial filtering (default)

fourier Frequency filtering with discete fourier

fourier_table Frequency filtering with table lookup fourier

fft Fast Fourier Transform

--zeropad n Set zeropad level (default = 0). set n to number of powers to two to pad

Filter Generation mode

direct Use direct filter in spatial or frequency domain (default)

Use inverse fourier transform of inverse filter

--backproj Backprojection Method

trig Trigometric functions at every point

table Trigometric functions with precalculated table

diff Difference method

diff2 Optimized difference method (default)

idiff2 Optimized difference method with integer math

idiff3 Highly-optimized difference method with integer math

Alpha level for Hamming filter

--trace Set tracing to level:

none No tracing (default)

console Text level tracing

--verbose Turn on verbose mode

--debug Turn on debug mode

--version Print version

--help Print a terse help message


Kevin Rosenberg, M.D. <[email protected]>


CTSim was begun in 1983 using MS-DOS and an EGA display adapter. In 1999 it was ported to
GNU/Linux and later ported to Microsoft Windows.

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