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r.spreadpathgrass - Online in the Cloud

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r.spreadpath - Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the
cumulative cost was determined.


raster, fire, cumulative costs


r.spreadpath --help
r.spreadpath x_input=name y_input=name [coordinates=east,north[,east,north,...]]
output=name [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

x_input=name [required]
Name of raster map containing back-path easting information

y_input=name [required]
Name of raster map containing back-path northing information

The map E and N grid coordinates of starting points

output=name [required]
Name for output raster map


r.spreadpath is part of the wildfire simulation toolset. Preparational steps for the fire
simulation are the calculation of the rate of spread (ROS) with r.ros, and the creating of
spread map with r.spread. Eventually, the fire path(s) based on starting point(s) are
calculated with r.spreadpath.

r.spreadpath recursively traces the least cost path backwards to the origin, given
backlink information input map layers and target locations from where paths are to be
traced. The backlink information map layers record each cell’s backlink UTM northing (the
y_input) and easting (the x_input) coordinates from which the cell’s cumulative cost was

The backlink inputs can be generated from another GRASS raster program r.spread. One of
the major applications of r.spreadpath along with r.spread is to accurately find the least
cost corridors and/or paths on a raster setting. More information on r.spread and
r.spreadpath can be found in Xu (1994).


Name of input raster map layer containing backlink UTM easting coordinates.

Name of input raster map layer containing backlink UTM northing coordinates.

coordinates =x,y[,x,y,x,y, ...]
Each x,y coordinate pair gives the easting and northing (respectively) geographic
coordinates of a target point from which to backwards trace the least cost path. As
many points as desired can be entered by the user.

Name of raster map layer to contain output. Also can be used as the map layer of the
input target points. If so used, the input target point map will be overwritten by the


· Xu, Jianping, 1994, Simulating the spread of wildfires using a geographic
information system and remote sensing, Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, New Jersey (ref).

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