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Gobuster: What is it & How to Use It for Brute-Forcing?

In the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, tools that aid in information gathering and vulnerability assessment are invaluable. One such tool that has gained popularity among security professionals is Gobuster. This article aims to explain what is Gobuster, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively in your security testing endeavors.

Understanding Directory and File Enumeration

Directory and file enumeration is a crucial phase in penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. It involves the systematic discovery of directories, files, and hidden resources on a web server. This process helps security professionals identify potential entry points for attackers, uncover sensitive data, and assess the overall security posture of a system.

Why Gobuster?

Gobuster is an open-source directory and file brute-forcing tool that simplifies the process of enumeration during security assessments. It is designed to efficiently and comprehensively scan web servers for hidden paths, directories, and files. Go buster is known for its speed and flexibility, making it a preferred choice for security experts and ethical hackers.

Key Features of Gobuster

Let’s explore some of the key features that make Go buster a powerful tool:

Directory and File Brute Forcing

Gobuster excels in brute-forcing directories and files on web servers. It systematically tries different combinations of directory and file names to discover hidden resources. This is particularly valuable for finding unlinked or forgotten sections of a website.

Customizable Wordlists

Gobuster allows users to specify wordlists for dictionary-based attacks. You can use existing wordlists or create custom ones tailored to your target. This flexibility enables you to adapt your scans to the unique characteristics of the system you’re testing.

Recursive Scanning

With Gobuster, you can perform recursive scans, which means that it will explore discovered directories further, increasing the chances of uncovering hidden content. This feature is handy for comprehensive assessments.

Extensive Protocol Support

While Go buster is commonly used for web server enumeration, it supports various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of security testing scenarios.

Secure System

How to Install Gobuster


Before installing Gobuster, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Linux or Windows system such as Kali Linux. You can also use Online Kali Linux instead of having your own system.
  • Go programming language installed (for Linux)
  • Git (for Linux)
  • A terminal or command prompt

Installing Gobuster on Linux

To install Gobuster on a Linux system, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Clone the Gobuster repository from GitHub using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/OJ/gobuster.git
  1. Change to the Gobuster directory:
cd gobuster
  1. Build Go Buster using the Go programming language:
go build
  1. You should now have an executable file named gobuster in the current directory.

How to Install Gobuster on Windows

To install Gobuster on a Windows system, you can download a precompiled binary from the Go buster GitHub releases page. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Gobuster releases page on GitHub: https://github.com/OJ/gobuster/releases
  2. Download the appropriate Windows binary, typically named gobuster-windows-amd64.exe.
  3. Place the downloaded executable in a directory that’s included in your system’s PATH environment variable.

As an alternative, you can download the Gobuster app here.

With Gobuster installed, you’re ready to start using it for your security testing tasks.

Getting Started with Gobuster

1. Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for running Go Buster is as follows:

gobuster [options] <mode>

  • [options] are various command-line options you can use to customize your scan.
  • <mode> specifies the scanning mode, such as dir for directory brute forcing or dns for DNS subdomain enumeration.

2. Specifying a Target

You need to specify the target URL or IP address that you want to scan. For example:

gobuster dir -u http://example.com -w wordlist.txt

In this example, -u indicates the target URL, and -w specifies the wordlist to use for the scan.

3. Wordlist Selection

Choose an appropriate wordlist that contains directory or file names to brute force. You can use existing wordlists available online or create custom ones. The quality of your wordlist significantly impacts the effectiveness of your scan.

4. Starting the Scan

To start a Gobuster scan, execute the command with the chosen options and wordlist. For example:

gobuster dir -u http://example.com -w wordlist.txt

Go buster will begin scanning the target, attempting to find hidden directories or files based on the provided wordlist.

Online Scanning

Optimizing Your Gobuster Scans

To make the most of Go buster, consider the following optimization techniques:

Threading for Speed

Gobuster supports multi-threading, allowing you to specify the number of concurrent threads for scanning. Increasing the number of threads can significantly speed up your scan. However, be cautious not to overload the target server, as this may trigger security alerts.

Specifying Extensions

You can specify file extensions to search for during the scan. This narrows down the search and helps you focus on specific types of files, such as .php or .html.

Recursive Scanning

Enable recursive scanning to delve deeper into discovered directories. This increases the thoroughness of your enumeration.

Filtering Results

Use the -x option to filter results based on HTTP status codes. For example, you can exclude 404 (Not Found) responses to refine your findings.

Real-world Examples of Using Gobuster

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where Gobuster proves invaluable:

Finding Hidden Directories

Gobuster can reveal hidden directories on a web server, such as admin panels or test environments. By systematically scanning common directory names, you can uncover potential vulnerabilities.

Locating Sensitive Files

Security professionals use Gobuster to search for sensitive files like backup files (e.g., backup.zip) or configuration files (e.g., config.php). Discovering these files can be critical in identifying security weaknesses.

Brute Forcing Login Pages

In some cases, Go Buster can be used to perform brute force attacks on login pages. By trying various username and password combinations, you can test the strength of authentication systems.

Best Practices for Gobuster

To use Gobuster ethically and effectively:

I. Respect Laws and Regulations

Ensure that you have legal authorization to perform security testing on a target system. Unauthorized scanning or hacking is illegal and unethical.

II. Use Discretion in Scanning

Be mindful of the impact of your scans on the target server. Excessive scanning can disrupt services or trigger security alerts. Always obtain permission and follow responsible disclosure practices when reporting vulnerabilities.

III. Keep Your Tools Updated

Regularly update Gobuster and your wordlists to stay current with the latest features and vulnerabilities. Security is an ever-evolving field, and keeping your tools up-to-date is essential.


Gobuster is a powerful tool in the hands of ethical hackers and security professionals. It simplifies the process of directory and file enumeration, allowing you to uncover potential vulnerabilities and assess the security of web servers effectively. By understanding its features, installation process, and best practices, you can harness the full potential of this tool for ethical hacking and security testing.


Is Gobuster legal to use?

Go Buster is a legitimate security tool when used for ethical hacking and security testing with proper authorization. Unauthorized use or hacking activities are illegal and unethical.

What are common wordlists for Go buster?

Common wordlists for Gobuster include SecLists, rockyou.txt, and custom wordlists tailored to specific targets. These wordlists contain directory and file names for brute forcing.

How can I prevent Gobuster scans on my website?

To defend against Go Buster scans, implement security measures such as rate limiting, IP blocking, and using strong authentication for sensitive areas. Regularly monitor logs for unusual scanning activity.

Can Gobuster crack passwords?

No, Go buster is not a password-cracking tool. It is primarily used for directory and file enumeration. Password cracking is a separate task typically performed with tools like John the Ripper or Hashcat.

Are there alternatives to Go Buster for directory enumeration?

Yes, there are alternatives to Go buster, including DirBuster, WFuzz, and Dirsearch. Each tool has its features and capabilities, and the choice depends on your specific requirements and preferences.

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