This is the command catod that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
catod - To convert the text format of a dictionary to binary
catod [-s maxword ] [-R] [-r] [-e] [-S] [-U]
[-P dicpasswd ] [-p frepasswd ]
[-h cixingfile ] outfilename
This command converts a dictionary from text format into binary format.
outfilename is the name of the binary format dictionary. If outfilename is not given, the
output will be passed to the standard output device(stdout).
The input file may be piped in by using the "<" command. For example,
catod basic.dic < basic.u
"basic.dic" here is the output binary format dictionary, while the "basic.u" is the input
text format dictionary.
If the input text dictionary is not given, the input will be taken from the standard
input(stdin). To end the input via standard input, press ^D.
-s maxword
To specify the maximum number of words. Default is 70000.
-R To create a dictionary for both forward and reverse conversion. (Default).
-r To create a reverse format dictionary only for reverse conversion.
-e If the Hanzi inside the text dictionary contains characters such as space and tab,
they will be compacted to special format. (Default).
-S To create a static dictionary.
-U To create a dynamic dictionary.
-P dicpasswd
To specify the password for the dictionary.
If "-N" is used instead, the password of the dictionary will be set to "*".
-p frepasswd
To specify the password for the usage frequency file.
If "-n" is used instead, the password of the frequency file will be set to "*".
-h cixingfile
To specify the Cixing definition file.
1. The parts in [ ] are options. They may be omitted.
2. The Pinyin and Zhuyin dictionary has the same format.
3. For details of the dictionary structure, refer to cWnn manual.
13 May 1992 CATOD(1)
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