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hmm2align - align sequences to an HMM profile


hmm2align [options] hmm2file seqfile


hmm2align reads an HMM file from hmmfile and a set of sequences from seqfile, aligns the
sequences to the profile HMM, and outputs a multiple sequence alignment.

seqfile may be in any unaligned or aligned file format accepted by HMMER. If it is in a
multiple alignment format (e.g. Stockholm, MSF, SELEX, ClustalW), the existing alignment
is ignored (i.e., the sequences are read as if they were unaligned - hmm2align will align
them the way it wants).


-h Print brief help; includes version number and summary of all options, including
expert options.

-m Include in the alignment only those symbols aligned to match states. Do not show
symbols assigned to insert states.

-o <f> Save alignment to file <f> instead of to standard output.

-q quiet; suppress all output except the alignment itself. Useful for piping or
redirecting the output.


--informat <s>
Assert that the input seqfile is in format <s>; do not run Babelfish format
autodection. This increases the reliability of the program somewhat, because the
Babelfish can make mistakes; particularly recommended for unattended, high-
throughput runs of HMMER. Valid format strings include FASTA, GENBANK, EMBL, GCG,
PIR, STOCKHOLM, SELEX, MSF, CLUSTAL, and PHYLIP. See the User's Guide for a
complete list.

--mapali <f>
Reads an alignment from file <f> and aligns it as a single object to the HMM; e.g.
the alignment in <f> is held fixed. This allows you to align sequences to a model
with hmm2align and view them in the context of an existing trusted multiple
alignment. The alignment to the alignment is defined by a "map" kept in the HMM,
and so is fast and guaranteed to be consistent with the way the HMM was constructed
from the alignment. The alignment in the file <f> must be exactly the alignment
that the HMM was built from. Compare the --withali option.

Output the alignment with one line per sequence, rather than interleaving the
sequence alignment blocks. Only affects Stockholm format output.

--outformat <s>
Output the alignment in format <s>. The default is Stockholm format. Valid formats
include Stockholm, SELEX, MSF, Clustal, Phylip, and A2M.

--withali <f>
Reads an alignment from file <f> and aligns it as a single object to the HMM; e.g.
the alignment in <f> is held fixed. This allows you to align sequences to a model
with hmm2align and view them in the context of an existing trusted multiple
alignment. The alignment to the alignment is done with a heuristic (nonoptimal)
dynamic programming procedure, which may be somewhat slow and is not guaranteed to
be completely consistent with the way the HMM was constructed (though it should be
quite close). However, any alignment can be used, not just the alignment that the
HMM was built from. Compare the --mapali option.

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