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kdb-get - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command kdb-get that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



kdb-get - Get the value of a key stored in the key database


kdb get <path>

Where path is the full path to the key.


This command is used to retrieve the value of a key.

If you enter a path starting with a leading /, then a cascading lookup will be performed
in order to attempt to locate the key.
In this case, using the -v option allows the user to see the full path of the key if it is

Note: There is a current limitation where only keys that are mounted will be considered
during a cascading lookup.
A workaround that will lookup all keys is to pass the -a option.
Additionally, a user can use the command kdb ls <same key> to see if an override or a
fallback will be considered by the lookup.


-H, --help
Show the man page.

-V, --version
Print version info.

-a, --all
Consider all of the keys.

-n, --no-newline
Suppress the newline at the end of the output.

-v, --verbose
Explain what is happening. Gives a complete trace of all tried keys.


To get the value of a key:
kdb get user/example/key

To get the value of a key using a cascading lookup:
kdb get /example/key

To get the value of a key without adding a newline to the end of it: kdb get -n

To explain why a specific key was used (for cascading keys): kdb get -v /example/key

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