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dsdp5 - Online in the Cloud

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dsdp5 - semidefinite program solver


dsdp5 [options] filename
maxcut [options] filename
theta filename


This manual page documents briefly the dsdp5, theta and maxcut commands.

dsdp5 -- interface to solve general semi-definite programs
maxcut -- solves a SDP relaxation of the maximum cut problem
theta -- solves the Lovasz thetha problem


A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see

-help Show summary of options.

-v, --version
Show version of program.

-print print information at each k iteration (default 10)

-save filename of solution file in SDPA format

-fout filename to print standard monitor to a file

-y0 filename for initial solution file

filename to file containing names of SDPA files

path to directory containing benchmark SDPA files

suffix to add to each benchmark problem name

print more information for higher numbers (default 0)

print timing information (default 1 - enabled)

gap tolerance parameter, stop when relative duality gap less than this gap (default

-r0 if nonnegative, initialize S by adding this multiple of the identity matrix
(default -1)

penalize dual infeasibility (default 1e10)

bound for variables y (default 1e7)

-maxit set maximum iterates (default 200)

-zbar Upper bound for dual solution (default 1e10)

-mu0 if positive, set initial barrier parameter (default -1)

-rho Potential parameter as multiple of dimension (default 3)

-drho Use dynamic rho strategy (default 1)

stop only if pnorm less than (default 1e30)

-reuse Reuse the Schur Matrix this many times (default 4)

apply a known lower bound for the objective at solution as a constraint.

-bigM if positive, modify algorithm to make dual infeasibility positive with a large
associated cost (default 0)

print more information for higher numbers (default 0)

filename to read selected options from a file

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