This is the command fgfs that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
fgfs - FlightGear Flight Simulator
fgfs [ option ] ...
FlightGear is a free, open-source, multi-platform, and sophisticated flight simulator
framework for the development and pursuit of interesting flight simulator ideas. For more
information visit <>.
Specify the initial ADF radio frequency. Optionally may be preceded by a card
Specify aerodynamics model to load.
Specify aircraft to load.
Specify the exact directory to use for the aircraft (normally not required, but may
be useful for testing).
Specify starting postion by airport ID.
Specify starting altitude (in feet unless --units-meters specified).
Enable atc610x interface.
Open an IO connection using the Atlas protocol.
Specify the bits per pixel for the renderer.
Specify location of your web browser.
Specify a unique name for multiplayer play.
Create an overcast ceiling (feet above sea level). May optionally specify a
thickness (feet) which defaults to 2000.
Set the initial COM1 radio frequency.
Set the initial COM2 radio frequency.
Load additional properties from path. Multiple instances of this option are
Specify the NAV radio from which to slave the ADF or set its internal frequency.
Disable anti-aliased HUD.
Disable auto coordination between aileron and rudder.
Disable clock freezing so that time advances normally.
Disable cloud rendering.
Disable runway light distance attenuation.
Disable enhanced runway lighting.
Start out in a running state.
Disable fuel freeze (enabling fuel consumption).
Disable fullscreen mode.
Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon..
Disable 2D HUD.
Disable 3D HUD.
Disable extra mouse pointer.
Disable instrument panel.
Disable random scenery objects (buildings, trees, etc).
Disable sound effects.
Disable specular reflections on textured objects.
Disable splash screen.
Disable wireframe drawing mode.
Enable anti-aliased HUD.
Enable auto coordination between aileron and rudder.
Enable clock freezing so that time does not advance.
Enable cloud rendering.
Enable runway light distance attenuation.
Enable enhanced runway lighting.
Start out in a frozen state.
Enable fuel freeze (disabling fuel consumption).
Enable fullscreen mode.
Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon.
Enable 2D HUD.
Enable 3D HUD.
Enable extra mouse pointer (i.e. for full screen voodoo/voodoo-II based cards.)
Enable instrument panel.
Enable random scenery objects (buildings, trees, etc).
Enable sound effects.
Enable specular reflections on textured objects.
Enable splash screen.
Enable wireframe drawing mode.
Fail a system on the aircraft. System may be one of pitot, static, vacuum, or
electrical. Multiple instances allowed.
Specify the flight dynamics model to use. Name may be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim,
magic, balloon, ada, external, or null.
Specify an additional path to search for aircraft directories. (can be repeated)
Specify the root path for data files.
Specify the base path for scenery data.
Specify starting position relative to a fix.
Read all waypoints from the specified file.
Disable fog rendering.
Enable fastest fog rendering.
Enable nicest fog rendering.
Specify initial field of view angle (degrees).
Open an IO connection using the Garmin GPS protocol.
Open connection using the serial port protocol. See README.IO for details.
Specify window geometry (ie. 640x480, 800x600, etc).
Specify heading or yaw angle (degrees).
--help, -h
Show a brief help message. Use --verbose,-v for a full listing of options.
Start an HTTP server on the specified port.
HUD displays percentage of triangles culled.
HUD displays number of triangles rendered.
Start up in the air. This is implied when specifying an initial altitude above
ground level.
Open an IO connection to an Agwagon joystick.
Start a screen shot HTTP server on the specified port.
Specify starting latitude (degrees).
Set log level for this session (1..5 where 1=verbose, 5=quiet).
Specify starting longitude (degrees).
Specify initial mach number.
Run the FDM at this rate (iterations per second).
Specify multiplayer communication settings. Multiple instances allowed.
Open an IO connection using the FlightGear Native Controls protocol.
Open an IO connection using the FlightGear Native FDM protocol.
Open an IO connection using the FlightGear Native protocol.
Specify the initial NAV1 radio frequency. Optionally may be preceded by a radial
Specify the initial NAV2 radio frequency. Optionally may be preceded by a radial
Specify starting position relative to an NDB.
Open an IO connection using the NMEA protocol.
Do not attempt to trim the model when initializing the JSBSim FDM.
specify heading to threshold (degrees).
Specify distance to threshold (nautical miles).
Start up at ground level.
Open an IO connect to an OpenGC host.
Specify pitch angle (degrees).
Specify an IO device in which to provide an interactive property manager.
set property <name> to <value>.
Open an IO connection using the PVE (Provision Entertainment) protocol.
Randomize initial wind parameters. See also: --wind.
Open an IO connection to a "RayWoodworth" motion chair.
Specify roll angle (degrees).
Open an IO connection using the RUL protocol.
Enable flat shading.
Enable smooth shading.
Show a listing of all available aircraft.
Run the FDM "n" times faster than real-time.
Specify a starting date/time with respect to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
Specify a starting date/time with respect to Local Aircraft Time.
Specify a starting date/time with respect to your local system time.
Start a telnet interface to the property manager on the specified port.
Specify a time of day. Value may be one of dawn, dusk, noon, or midnight.
Synchronize time with local real-world time.
Synchronize time with the real-world time.
Specify a time offset with respect to the current time.
Trace the reads for a property. Multiple instances allowed.
Trace the writes for a property. Multiple instances allowed.
Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe).
Specify velocity along the body X axis (feet per second unless --units-meters
Use feet instead of meters. Affects other options as well as the values displayed
by the HUD.
Use meters instead of feet. Affects other options as well as the values displayed
by the HUD.
Specify velocity along the body Y axis (feet per second unless --units-meters
Specify initial airspeed (knots).
Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead.
Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number of degrees.
--verbose, -v
Show verbose help message.
Specify initial visibility (miles).
Specify initial visibility (meters).
Specify starting position relative to a VOR.
Specify velocity along the body Z axis (feet per second unless --units-meters
Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots). Values may be specified
as a range by using a colon separator; for example, 180:220@10:15.
Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot. Multiple instances of this option are
recognized in build a route.
Path used to locate data files.
Use fgfs online using services