This is the command hwloc-annotate that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
hwloc-annotate - Add info attributes to a XML topology
hwloc-annotate [options] <input.xml> <output.xml> <location> <mode> <annotation>
--ri Remove all info attributes that exist with the same name before adding the new
one. This option is only accepted in "info" mode. If the info value is
omitted, existing infos are replaced with nothing.
--ci Clear the existing info attributes in the target objects before annotating. If
no new annotation has to be added after clearing, mode should be set to none.
hwloc-annotate loads a topology from a XML file, adds some annotations, and export the
resulting topology to another XML file. The input and output files may be the same.
The annotation may be string info attributes. This is specified by the mode:
info <name> <value>
Specifies a new string info attribute whose name is name and value is value.
misc <name>
Specifies a new Misc object name.
none No new annotation is added. This is useful when clearing existing attributes.
Annotations may be added to one specific object in the topology, all of them, or all of a
given type. This is specified by the location:
all annotates all objects in the topology.
root annotates the root object of the topology.
annotates all objects of the given type.
annotates the object of the given type and index. The index is logical.
NOTE: The existing annotations may be listed with hwloc-info.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you read the hwloc(7) overview page before reading
this man page. Most of the concepts described in hwloc(7) directly apply to the hwloc-
annotate utility.
hwloc-annotate's operation is best described through several examples.
Add an info attribute to all Core objects:
$ hwloc-annotate input.xml output.xml Core:all info infoname infovalue
Add a Misc object named "foobar" under the root object of the topology and modify the
input XML directly:
$ hwloc-annotate file.xml file.xml root misc foobar
Add an info attribute to OS device #2 and #3:
$ hwloc-annotate input.xml output.xml os:2-3 info infoname infovalue
Change package objects to green with red text in the lstopo graphical output:
$ hwloc-annotate topo.xml topo.xml package:all info lstopoStyle
$ lstopo -i topo.xml
Upon successful execution, hwloc-annotate generates the output topology. The return value
is 0.
hwloc-annotate will return nonzero if any kind of error occurs, such as (but not limited
to) failure to parse the command line.
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