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kdb-export - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command kdb-export that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



kdb-export - Export keys from the key database


kdb export <source> [<format>]


This command allows a user to export keys from the key database.
Keys are exported to stdout in whichever format is specified.
The default format is dump but can be changed by editing the value of the
sw/kdb/current/format key.
This command can also be used to view full key(s) including their values.


Where source is the path of the key(s) you want to export.
Additionally, the user can specify a format to use by passing it as the option argument
The format attribute relies on Elektra´s plugin system to export the keys in the desired
format. The user can view all plugins available for use by running the kdb-list(1)
command. To learn about any plugin, the user can simply use the kdb-info(1) command.


-H, --help
Show the man page.

-V, --version
Print version info.

-E, --without-elektra
Omit the system/elektra directory.


To view your full key database in Elektra´s native dump format: kdb export /

To backup your full key database in Elektra´s native dump format to a file called
full-backup.ecf: kdb export / > full-backup.ecf

To view a keyset stored in user/keyset in the XML format: kdb export user/keyset xmltool

To backup a keyset stored in user/keyset in the ini format to a file called keyset.ini:
kdb export user/keyset ini > keyset.ini

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