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mCoverageCheck - Online in the Cloud

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mCoverageCheck - Filter an image metadata table down to those records representing FITS
files that overlap a footprint on the sky


mCoverageCheck [-s statusfile] in.tbl out.tbl -mode <parameters>


mCoverageCheck can be used to subset an image metadata table (containing FITS/WCS
information or image corners) by determining which records in the table represent images
that overlap with a region definition (box or circle in the sky) given on the command


-s statusfile
Output and errors are sent to statusfile instead of to stdout

-mode Can be one of:

points (used to describe a convex polygon)
header (area is described in a header file)
point (find images that overlap one particular point on the sky)
cutout (operates like box mode, but returns metadata that represents what the
input images would look like after being subset to exactly match the cutout area)

in.tbl Input metadata table.

Output metadata table, to contain subset of in.tbl.

Depends on mode as following:

points: ra1 dec1 ra2 dec2 ... raN decN (must be at least 3 vertices)
box: ra dec xsize [ysize [rotation]]

where ra, dec is the center of the box, and size is in degrees.
circle: ra dec radius

where ra, dec is the center of the circle, and radius is in degrees (default is 0,
in which case it's treated like a point search).
point: ra dec
header: region.hdr (path to an ASCII header template that defines the region
of interest)
cutout: ra dec xsize [ysize]

where ra, dec is the center of the cutout area, and size is in degrees.


The output file out.tbl is created, with nimages records.


OK [struct stat="OK", count=n]

ERROR Cannot open status file: statusfile

ERROR Invalid region definition mode: string

ERROR Too few vertices for region (must be at least three)

ERROR Longitude n (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Latitude n (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Failed to find bounding polygon for points

ERROR Too few arguments for box or cutout (must at least have center and size)

ERROR Center RA string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Center Dec string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR X box size string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR X box size (string) must be a positive number

ERROR Y box size string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Y box size (string) must be a positive number

ERROR Box rotation string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Must give header file name

ERROR Failed to find bounding polygon for points

ERROR Too few arguments for circle (must at least have center)

ERROR Circle radius string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Too few arguments for point (must have coordinates)

ERROR Point RA string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Point Dec string (string) cannot be interpreted as a real number

ERROR Error opening table filename

ERROR Cannot create output file filename

ERROR Need either WCS or corner columns.

ERROR Failed to create wcs structure for record n


As input, we use this table of 2MASS atlas images. The images in this table are in two
"clumps" on the sky: 3 overlapping images separated by several degrees from the other 12
overlapping images. Here we will show several ways of isolating the group of 3 images.

$ mCoverageCheck images.tbl circle.tbl -circle 262.78208 -35.03049 1.0
[struct stat="OK", count="3"]

$ mCoverageCheck images.tbl box.tbl -box 262.84948 -34.81197 1.0
[struct stat="OK", count="3"]

$ mCoverageCheck images.tbl points.tbl -points 263.3796 -34.48881 262.15127 -34.51032
262.90267 -35.38753
[struct stat="OK", count="3"]

$ mCoverageCheck images.tbl point.tbl -point 262.78208 -35.03049
[struct stat="OK", count="3"]

Each of these methods results in this output table containing only 3 records out of the
original 15.

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