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stubmaker - Generates client stubs from a WSDL file.


-d <dirname>
Specifies the directory you wish to output the files to. The directory must already

-v Turns on "verbose" output during the code stub generation process. To be honest, there
is not much the program outputs, but if you must see something output to the console,
then this fits the bill.

Outputs a short help message.

Outputs the current version of stubmaker.


The "class" or "package" created by stubmaker is actually a sub-class of the core
SOAP::Lite object. As a result, all methods one can call upon SOAP::Lite one can also call
upon generated stubs.

For example, suppose you wanted to obtain readable output from the generated stub, then
simply call readable(1) on the stub's instance. See the example below.

The following subroutines are unique to generated stub classes, and help the user control
and configure the stub class.

When set to 1, SOAP::Lite will return SOAP::SOM objects to the user upon invoking a
method on a remote service. This is very helpful when you need to check to see if the
return value is a SOAP::Fault or not. When set to 0, SOAP::Lite will return the return
value of the method.


Invoking stubmaker from the command line
> perl stubmaker http://www.xmethods.net/sd/StockQuoteService.wsdl Or: > perl
"-MStockQuoteService qw(:all)" -le "print getQuote('MSFT')"

Working with stub classes
Command line: > perl stubmaker http://ws1.api.re2.yahoo.com/ws/soap-demo/full.wsdl

File: echo > use full; > use SOAP::Lite +trace => qw( debug ); > my $f = new full; >
$f->use_prefix(0); > $f->readable(1); > $f->want_som(1); > $som =


Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Paul Kulchenko. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.

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