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How to Communicate‌

Write Your Report in English The Free Software community is international and unless you know your interlocutor, you should be using plain English. If you are a native speaker of English, use simple sentences and avoid constructions that might be hard to understand for people with limited English skills. Even though most developers are highly intelligent, not all of them have strong English language skills. It is best never to assume.

Be Respectful of the Developers’ Work Remember that most Free Software developers (includ- ing those behind Kali Linux) are benevolent and are spending their limited free time to work on the software that you are freely using. Many are doing this out of altruism. Thus, when you file a bug report, be respectful (even if the bug looks like an obvious mistake by the developer) and don’t assume that they owe you a fix. Thank them for their contribution instead.

If you know how to modify and recompile the software, offer to assist the developers in testing any patches that they submit to you. This will show them that you are willing to invest your own time as well.

Be Reactive and Ready to Provide More Information In some cases, the developer will come back to you with requests for more information or requests for you to try to re-create the problem perhaps by using different options or using an updated package. You should try to respond to those queries as quickly as possible. The quicker you submit your response, the higher the chance that they will be able to solve it quickly while the initial analysis is still fresh in their mind.

While you should aim to respond quickly, you should also not go too fast: the data submitted must be correct and it must contain everything that the developers requested. They will be annoyed if they have to request something a second time.

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