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1.6. Summary‌

In this chapter we have introduced you to Kali Linux, provided a bit of history, run through some of the primary features, and presented several use cases. We have also discussed some of the policies we have adopted when developing Kali Linux.

Summary Tips:

• Kali Linux17 is an enterprise-ready security auditing Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux. Kali is aimed at security professionals and IT administrators, enabling them to conduct advanced penetration testing, forensic analysis, and security auditing.

• Unlike most mainstream operating systems, Kali Linux is a rolling distribution, which means that you will receive updates every single day.

• The Kali Linux distribution is based on Debian Testing18. Therefore, most of the packages available in Kali Linux come straight from this Debian repository.

• While Kali’s focus can be quickly summarized with “penetration testing and security audit- ing”, there are several use cases including system administrators wishing to monitor their networks, forensic analysis, embedded device installations, wireless monitoring, installa- tion on mobile platforms, and more.

• Kali’s menus make it easy to get to tools for various tasks and activities including: vulnera- bility analysis, web application analysis, database assessment, password attacks, wireless at- tacks, reverse engineering, exploitation tools, sniffing and spoofing, post exploitation tools, forensics, reporting tools, social engineering tools, and system services.

• Kali Linux has many advanced features including: use as a live (non-installed) system, a ro- bust and safe forensics mode, a custom Linux kernel, ability to completely customize the system, a trusted and secure base operating system, ARM installation capability, secure de- fault network policies, and a curated set of applications.

In the next chapter, we will jump in and try out Kali Linux thanks to its live mode.


16http://bugs.kali.org 17https://www.kali.org 18https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/‌‌



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