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9.3.1. Installing Pre-Requisites‌

The first step is to install the packages needed and to retrieve the Git repository with the Kali

live-build configuration:

# apt install curl git live-build


# git clone https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/build-scripts/live-build-config.git


# cd live-build-config

# ls

auto build_all.sh build.sh kali-config README

# apt install curl git live-build


# git clone https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/build-scripts/live-build-config.git


# cd live-build-config

# ls

auto build_all.sh build.sh kali-config README

At this point, you can already create an updated (but unmodified) Kali ISO image just by running

./build.sh --verbose. The build will take a long time to complete as it will download all the packages to include. When finished, you will find the new ISO image in the images directory.


5https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux/kali-linux-iso-of-doom 6https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux/kali-linux-evil-wireless-access-point/ 7http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/live-build/‌‌

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