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9.3.3. Changing the Set of Installed Packages‌

Once launched, live-build installs all the packages listed in package-lists/*.list.chroot files. The default configuration that we provide includes a package-lists/kali.list.chroot file, which lists kali-linux-full (the main meta-package pulling all the Kali packages to include). You can comment out this package and put another meta-package of your choice or include a precise set of other packages. You can also combine both approaches by starting with a meta-package and adding supplementary packages of your choice.




With package-lists, you can only include packages that are already available in the official Kali repository. But if you have custom packages, you can include them in the live image by placing the

.deb files in a packages.chroot directory (for example kali-config/config-gnome/packages. chroot if you build the GNOME variant).

Meta-packages are empty packages whose sole purpose is to have many dependencies on other packages. They make it easier to install sets of packages that you often want to install together. The kali-meta source package builds all the meta-packages provided by Kali Linux:

• kali-linux: the base system (it is pulled by all the other meta-packages)

• kali-linux-full:the default Kali Linux installation

• kali-linux-all: meta-package of all the meta-packages and other packages (almost every- thing that Kali provides so it is really huge!)

• kali-linux-sdr: Software Defined Radio (SDR) tools

• kali-linux-gpu: GPU-powered tools (tools making use of the computing power available in your graphical card)

• kali-linux-wireless: wireless assessment and analysis tools

• kali-linux-web: web applications assessment tools

• kali-linux-forensic: forensic tools (finding evidence of what happened)

• kali-linux-voip: Voice Over IP tools

• kali-linux-pwtools: password cracking tools

• kali-linux-top10: the ten most popular tools

• kali-linux-rfid: RFID tools

You can leverage these meta-packages when you create custom package lists for live-build. The full list of available meta-packages and the tools they include can be found at http://tools.kali. org/kali-metapackages

Debconf Preseeding of You can provide Debconf preseed files (see section 4.3.2, “Creating a Preseed File

Installed Packages [page 93] for explanations) as preseed/*.cfg files. They will be used to configure the packages installed in the live file system.

Debconf Preseeding of You can provide Debconf preseed files (see section 4.3.2, “Creating a Preseed File

Installed Packages [page 93] for explanations) as preseed/*.cfg files. They will be used to configure the packages installed in the live file system.

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