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With Boot Parameters‌

You can preseed any installer question with boot parameters that end up in the kernel command- line, accessible through /proc/cmdline. Some bootloaders will let you edit these parameters interactively (which is practical for testing purposes), but if you want to make the changes persis- tent, you will have to modify the bootloader configuration.

You can directly use the full identifier of the debconf questions (such as debian-installer/language= en) or you can use abbreviations for the most common questions (like language=en or hostname= duke). See the full list1 of aliases in the Debian installation manual.

There is no restriction on which questions you can preseed since boot parameters are available from the start of the installation process and they are processed very early. However, the number of boot parameters is limited to 32 and a number of those are already used by default. It is also important to realize that changing the boot loader configuration can be non-trivial at times.

In section 9.3, “Building Custom Kali Live ISO Images” [page 237] you will also learn how to modify the Isolinux configuration when you generate your own Kali ISO image.

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