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With a Preseed File Loaded from the Network‌

You can make a preseed file available on the network through a web server and tell the installer to download that preseed file by adding the boot parameter preseed/url=http://server/preseed.cfg (or by using the url alias).

However, when using this method, remember that the network must first be configured. This means that network-related debconf questions (in particular hostname and domain name) and all the preceding questions (like language and country) cannot be preseeded with this method. This method is most often used in combination with boot parameters preseeding those specific questions.

This preseeding method is the most flexible one as you can change the installation configuration without changing the installation media.

Delaying the Language, To overcome the limitation of not being able to preseed the language, country, and Country, Keyboard keyboard questions, you can add the boot parameter auto-install/enable=true Questions (or auto=true). With this option the questions will be asked later in the process,

after the network has been configured and thus after download of the preseed file.

The downside is that the first steps (notably network configuration) will always hap- pen in English and if there are errors the user will have to work through English screens (with a keyboard configured in QWERTY).

Delaying the Language, To overcome the limitation of not being able to preseed the language, country, and Country, Keyboard keyboard questions, you can add the boot parameter auto-install/enable=true Questions (or auto=true). With this option the questions will be asked later in the process,

after the network has been configured and thus after download of the preseed file.

The downside is that the first steps (notably network configuration) will always hap- pen in English and if there are errors the user will have to work through English screens (with a keyboard configured in QWERTY).

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