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Opening Additional Files For Editing

It's also possible to add files to our current editing session. The ex command :e (short for “edit”) followed by a filename will open an additional file. Let's end our current editing session and return to the command line.

Start vi again with just one file:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ vi foo.txt

[me@linuxbox ~]$ vi foo.txt

To add our second file, enter:

:e ls-output.txt

:e ls-output.txt


And it should appear on the screen. The first file is still present as we can verify:


1 # "foo.txt"

2 %a "ls-output.txt"

line 1

line 0


1 # "foo.txt"

2 %a "ls-output.txt"

Press ENTER or type command to continue

Press ENTER or type command to continue


Note: You cannot switch to files loaded with the :e command using either the :n or :N command. To switch files, use the :buffer command followed by the buf- fer number.


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