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Installing A Package From A Package File

If a package file has been downloaded from a source other than a repository, it can be in- stalled directly (though without dependency resolution) using a low-level tool.

Table 14-5: Low-Level Package Installation Commands

Style Command(s)

Style Command(s)

Debian dpkg --install package_file


Red Hat rpm -i package_file


Example: If the emacs-22.1-7.fc7-i386.rpm package file had been downloaded from a non-repository site, it would be installed this way:

rpm -i emacs-22.1-7.fc7-i386.rpm

rpm -i emacs-22.1-7.fc7-i386.rpm


Note: Since this technique uses the low-level rpm program to perform the installa- tion, no dependency resolution is performed. If rpm discovers a missing depen- dency, rpm will exit with an error.


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