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The name sed is short for stream editor. It performs text editing on a stream of text, ei- ther a set of specified files or standard input. sed is a powerful and somewhat complex program (there are entire books about it), so we will not cover it completely here.

In general, the way sed works is that it is given either a single editing command (on the command line) or the name of a script file containing multiple commands, and it then performs these commands upon each line in the stream of text. Here is a very simple ex- ample of sed in action:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed 's/front/back/'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed 's/front/back/'


In this example, we produce a one-word stream of text using echo and pipe it into sed. sed, in turn, carries out the instruction s/front/back/ upon the text in the stream and produces the output “back” as a result. We can also recognize this command as re- sembling the “substitution” (search-and-replace) command in vi.

Commands in sed begin with a single letter. In the example above, the substitution com- mand is represented by the letter s and is followed by the search-and-replace strings, sep- arated by the slash character as a delimiter. The choice of the delimiter character is arbi- trary. By convention, the slash character is often used, but sed will accept any character that immediately follows the command as the delimiter. We could perform the same com- mand this way:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed 's_front_back_'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed 's_front_back_'


By using the underscore character immediately after the command, it becomes the delim- iter. The ability to set the delimiter can be used to make commands more readable, as we shall see.

Most commands in sed may be preceded by an address, which specifies which line(s) of the input stream will be edited. If the address is omitted, then the editing command is car-

ried out on every line in the input stream. The simplest form of address is a line number. We can add one to our example:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed '1s/front/back/'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed '1s/front/back/'


Adding the address 1 to our command causes our substitution to be performed on the first line of our one-line input stream. If we specify another number:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed '2s/front/back/'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed '2s/front/back/'


we see that the editing is not carried out, since our input stream does not have a line 2. Addresses may be expressed in many ways. Here are the most common:

Table 20-7: sed Address Notation

Address Description

Address Description

n A line number where n is a positive integer.

$ The last line.

/regexp/ Lines matching a POSIX basic regular expression. Note that the regular expression is delimited by slash characters. Optionally, the regular expression may be delimited by an alternate character, by specifying the expression with cregexpc, where c is the alternate character.

addr1,addr2 A range of lines from addr1 to addr2, inclusive. Addresses may be any of the single address forms above.

first~step Match the line represented by the number first, then each subsequent line at step intervals. For example 1~2 refers to each odd numbered line, 5~5 refers to the fifth line and every fifth line thereafter.

addr1,+n Match addr1 and the following n lines.

addr! Match all lines except addr, which may be any of the forms above.

We’ll demonstrate different kinds of addresses using the distros.txt file from earlier

in this chapter. First, a range of line numbers:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ sed -n '1,5p' distros.txt

SUSE 10.2 12/07/2006

Fedora 10 11/25/2008

SUSE 11.0 06/19/2008

Ubuntu 8.04 04/24/2008

Fedora 8 11/08/2007

In this example, we print a range of lines, starting with line 1 and continuing to line 5. To do this, we use the p command, which simply causes a matched line to be printed. For this to be effective however, we must include the option -n (the no auto-print option) to cause sed not to print every line by default.

Next, we’ll try a regular expression:

[me@linuxbox ~]$

sed -n '/SUSE/p' distros.txt

SUSE 10.2


SUSE 11.0


SUSE 10.3


SUSE 10.1


By including the slash-delimited regular expression /SUSE/, we are able to isolate the lines containing it in much the same manner as grep.

Finally, we’ll try negation by adding an exclamation point (!) to the address:

[me@linuxbox ~]$

sed -n '/SUSE/!p' distros.txt

Fedora 10


Ubuntu 8.04


Fedora 8


Ubuntu 6.10


Fedora 7


Ubuntu 7.10


Ubuntu 7.04


Fedora 6


Fedora 9


Ubuntu 6.06


Ubuntu 8.10


Fedora 5


Here we see the expected result: all of the lines in the file except the ones matched by the

regular expression.

So far, we’ve looked at two of the sed editing commands, s and p. Here is a more com- plete list of the basic editing commands:

Table 20-8: sed Basic Editing Commands

Command Description

Command Description

= Output current line number.

a Append text after the current line.

d Delete the current line.

i Insert text in front of the current line.

p Print the current line. By default, sed prints every line and only edits lines that match a specified address within the file. The default behavior can be overridden by specifying the -n option.

q Exit sed without processing any more lines. If the

-n option is not specified, output the current line.

Q Exit sed without processing any more lines.

s/regexp/replacement/ Substitute the contents of replacement wherever

regexp is found. replacement may include the special character &, which is equivalent to the text matched by regexp. In addition, replacement may include the sequences \1 through \9, which are the contents of the corresponding subexpressions in regexp. For more about this, see the discussion of back references below. After the trailing slash following replacement, an optional flag may be specified to modify the s command’s behavior.

y/set1/set2 Perform transliteration by converting characters from set1 to the corresponding characters in set2. Note that unlike tr, sed requires that both sets be of the same length.

The s command is by far the most commonly used editing command. We will demon- strate just some of its power by performing an edit on our distros.txt file. We dis- cussed before how the date field in distros.txt was not in a “computer-friendly” for-

mat. While the date is formatted MM/DD/YYYY, it would be better (for ease of sorting) if the format were YYYY-MM-DD. To perform this change on the file by hand would be both time consuming and error prone, but with sed, this change can be performed in one step:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ sed 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}

)$/\3-\1-\2/' distros.txt

SUSE 10.2 2006-12-07

Fedora 10 2008-11-25

SUSE 11.0 2008-06-19

Ubuntu 8.04 2008-04-24

Fedora 8 2007-11-08

SUSE 10.3 2007-10-04

Ubuntu 6.10 2006-10-26

Fedora 7 2007-05-31

Ubuntu 7.10 2007-10-18

Ubuntu 7.04 2007-04-19

SUSE 10.1 2006-05-11

Fedora 6 2006-10-24

Fedora 9 2008-05-13

Ubuntu 6.06 2006-06-01

Ubuntu 8.10 2008-10-30

Fedora 5 2006-03-20

Wow! Now that is an ugly looking command. But it works. In just one step, we have changed the date format in our file. It is also a perfect example of why regular expres- sions are sometimes jokingly referred to as a “write-only” medium. We can write them, but we sometimes cannot read them. Before we are tempted to run away in terror from this command, let’s look at how it was constructed. First, we know that the command will have this basic structure:

sed 's/regexp/replacement/' distros.txt

sed 's/regexp/replacement/' distros.txt

Our next step is to figure out a regular expression that will isolate the date. Since it is in MM/DD/YYYY format and appears at the end of the line, we can use an expression like this:



which matches two digits, a slash, two digits, a slash, four digits, and the end of line. So that takes care of regexp, but what about replacement? To handle that, we must introduce

a new regular expression feature that appears in some applications which use BRE. This feature is called back references and works like this: If the sequence n appears in re- placement where n is a number from 1 to 9, the sequence will refer to the corresponding subexpression in the preceding regular expression. To create the subexpressions, we sim- ply enclose them in parentheses like so:



We now have three subexpressions. The first contains the month, the second contains the day of the month, and the third contains the year. Now we can construct replacement as follows:



which gives us the year, a dash, the month, a dash, and the day. Now, our command looks like this:

sed 's/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})$/\3-\1-\2/' distros.txt

sed 's/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})$/\3-\1-\2/' distros.txt

We have two remaining problems. The first is that the extra slashes in our regular expres- sion will confuse sed when it tries to interpret the s command. The second is that since sed, by default, accepts only basic regular expressions, several of the characters in our regular expression will be taken as literals, rather than as metacharacters. We can solve both these problems with a liberal application of backslashes to escape the offending characters:

sed 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/' dis tros.txt

sed 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/' dis tros.txt

And there you have it!

Another feature of the s command is the use of optional flags that may follow the re- placement string. The most important of these is the g flag, which instructs sed to apply the search-and-replace globally to a line, not just to the first instance, which is the default. Here is an example:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "aaabbbccc" | sed 's/b/B/'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "aaabbbccc" | sed 's/b/B/'


We see that the replacement was performed, but only to the first instance of the letter “b,” while the remaining instances were left unchanged. By adding the g flag, we are able to change all the instances:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "aaabbbccc" | sed 's/b/B/g'


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "aaabbbccc" | sed 's/b/B/g'


So far, we have only given sed single commands via the command line. It is also possi- ble to construct more complex commands in a script file using the -f option. To demon- strate, we will use sed with our distros.txt file to build a report. Our report will feature a title at the top, our modified dates, and all the distribution names converted to uppercase. To do this, we will need to write a script, so we’ll fire up our text editor and enter the following:

# sed script to produce Linux distributions report

1 i

Linux Distributions Report

s/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/ y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/

# sed script to produce Linux distributions report

1 i

Linux Distributions Report

s/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/ y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/

We will save our sed script as distros.sed and run it like this:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ sed -f distros.sed distros.txt

Linux Distributions Report

















































# sed script to produce Linux distributions report

# sed script to produce Linux distributions report

As we can see, our script produces the desired results, but how does it do it? Let’s take another look at our script. We’ll use cat to number the lines:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ cat -n distros.sed

[me@linuxbox ~]$ cat -n distros.sed

















1 i

Linux Distributions Report

s/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/ y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/

1 i

Linux Distributions Report

s/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\/\([0-9]\{4\}\)$/\3-\1-\2/ y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/

Line one of our script is a comment. Like many configuration files and programming lan- guages on Linux systems, comments begin with the # character and are followed by hu- man-readable text. Comments can be placed anywhere in the script (though not within commands themselves) and are helpful to any humans who might need to identify and/or maintain the script.

Line 2 is a blank line. Like comments, blank lines may be added to improve readability.

Many sed commands support line addresses. These are used to specify which lines of the input are to be acted upon. Line addresses may be expressed as single line numbers, line number ranges, and the special line number “$” which indicates the last line of input.

Lines 3 through 6 contain text to be inserted at the address 1, the first line of the input. The i command is followed by the sequence backslash-carriage return to produce an es- caped carriage return, or what is called a line-continuation character. This sequence, which can be used in many circumstances including shell scripts, allows a carriage return to be embedded in a stream of text without signaling the interpreter (in this case sed) that the end of the line has been reached. The i, and likewise, the a (which appends text, rather than inserting it) and c (which replaces text) commands, allow multiple lines of text as long as each line, except the last, ends with a line-continuation character. The sixth line of our script is actually the end of our inserted text and ends with a plain carriage re- turn rather than a line-continuation character, signaling the end of the i command.

Note: A line-continuation character is formed by a backslash followed immediately

by a carriage return. No intermediary spaces are permitted.

Line 7 is our search-and-replace command. Since it is not preceded by an address, each line in the input stream is subject to its action.

Line 8 performs transliteration of the lowercase letters into uppercase letters. Note that unlike tr, the y command in sed does not support character ranges (for example, [a- z]), nor does it support POSIX character classes. Again, since the y command is not pre- ceded by an address, it applies to every line in the input stream.

People Who Like sed Also Like...

sed is a very capable program, able to perform fairly complex editing tasks to streams of text. It is most often used for simple, one-line tasks rather than long scripts. Many users prefer other tools for larger tasks. The most popular of these are awk and perl. These go beyond mere tools like the programs covered here, and extend into the realm of complete programming languages. perl, in particu- lar, is often used instead of shell scripts for many system-management and admin- istration tasks, as well as being a very popular medium for web development. awk is a little more specialized. Its specific strength is its ability to manipulate tabular data. It resembles sed in that awk programs normally process text files line-by-line, using a scheme similar to the sed concept of an address followed by an action. While both awk and perl are outside the scope of this book, they are very good skills for the Linux command line user to learn.

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