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Character-based Printers

The printer technology of the 80s was very different in two respects. First, printers of that period were almost always impact printers. Impact printers use a mechanical mechanism which strikes a ribbon against the paper to form character impressions on the page. Two of the popular technologies of that time were daisy-wheel printing and dot-matrix print- ing.

The second, and more important characteristic of early printers was that printers used a fixed set of characters that were intrinsic to the device itself. For example, a daisy-wheel printer could only print the characters actually molded into the petals of the daisy wheel. This made the printers much like high-speed typewriters. As with most typewriters, they printed using monospaced (fixed width) fonts. This means that each character has the same width. Printing was done at fixed positions on the page, and the printable area of a page contained a fixed number of characters. Most printers printed ten characters per inch (CPI) horizontally and six lines per inch (LPI) vertically. Using this scheme, a US-letter sheet of paper is 85 characters wide and 66 lines high. Taking into account a small margin on each side, 80 characters was considered the maximum width of a print line. This ex- plains why terminal displays (and our terminal emulators) are normally 80 characters wide. It provides a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) view of printed output, using a monospaced font.


Data is sent to a typewriter-like printer in a simple stream of bytes containing the charac- ters to be printed. For example, to print an “a”, the ASCII character code 97 is sent. In ad- dition, the low-numbered ASCII control codes provided a means of moving the printer’s carriage and paper, using codes for carriage return, line feed, form feed, etc. Using the control codes, it’s possible to achieve some limited font effects, such as boldface, by hav - ing the printer print a character, backspace, and print the character again to get a darker print impression on the page. We can actually witness this if we use nroff to render a man page and examine the output using cat -A:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ zcat /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz | nroff -man | cat

-A | head

[me@linuxbox ~]$ zcat /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz | nroff -man | cat

-A | head





User Commands






ls - list directory contents$

ls - list directory contents$


l^Hls^Hs [_^HO_^HP_^HT_^HI_^HO_^HN]... [_^HF_^HI_^HL_^HE]...$


l^Hls^Hs [_^HO_^HP_^HT_^HI_^HO_^HN]... [_^HF_^HI_^HL_^HE]...$

The ^H (Control-h) characters are the backspaces used to create the boldface effect. Like- wise, we can also see a backspace/underscore sequence used to produce underlining.

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