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Installing The Program

Well-packaged source code will often include a special make target called install. This target will install the final product in a system directory for use. Usually, this direc- tory is /usr/local/bin, the traditional location for locally built software. However, this directory is not normally writable by ordinary users, so we must become the supe- ruser to perform the installation:

[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ sudo make install

[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ sudo make install

After we perform the installation, we can check that the program is ready to go:

[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ which diction


[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ man diction

[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ which diction


[me@linuxbox diction-1.11]$ man diction

And there we have it!

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