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The patterns used by case are the same as those used by pathname expansion. Patterns are terminated with a “)” character. Here are some valid patterns:

Table 31- 1: case Pattern Examples

Pattern Description

Pattern Description

a) Matches if word equals “a”.


[[:alpha:]]) Matches if word is a single alphabetic character.


???) Matches if word is exactly three characters long.


*.txt) Matches if word ends with the characters “.txt”.


*) Matches any value of word. It is good practice to include this as the last pattern in a case command, to catch any values of word that did not match a previous pattern; that is, to catch any possible invalid values.


Here is an example of patterns at work:


read -p "enter word > " case $REPLY in

[[:alpha:]]) echo "is a single alphabetic character." ;; [ABC][0-9]) echo "is A, B, or C followed by a digit." ;;

???) echo "is three characters long." ;;

*.txt) echo "is a word ending in '.txt'" ;;

*) echo "is something else." ;; esac


read -p "enter word > " case $REPLY in

[[:alpha:]]) echo "is a single alphabetic character." ;; [ABC][0-9]) echo "is A, B, or C followed by a digit." ;;

???) echo "is three characters long." ;;

*.txt) echo "is a word ending in '.txt'" ;;

*) echo "is something else." ;; esac

It is also possible to combine multiple patterns using the vertical bar character as a sepa- rator. This creates an “or” conditional pattern. This is useful for such things as handling both upper- and lowercase characters. For example:


# case-menu: a menu driven system information program clear

echo "

Please Select:

A. Display System Information

B. Display Disk Space

C. Display Home Space Utilization

Q. Quit "

read -p "Enter selection [A, B, C or Q] > "

case $REPLY in

q|Q) echo "Program terminated." exit


a|A) echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME" uptime


b|B) df -h


c|C) if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then

echo "Home Space Utilization (All Users)" du -sh /home/*


echo "Home Space Utilization ($USER)" du -sh $HOME



# case-menu: a menu driven system information program clear

echo "

Please Select:

A. Display System Information

B. Display Disk Space

C. Display Home Space Utilization

Q. Quit "

read -p "Enter selection [A, B, C or Q] > "

case $REPLY in

q|Q) echo "Program terminated." exit


a|A) echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME" uptime


b|B) df -h


c|C) if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then

echo "Home Space Utilization (All Users)" du -sh /home/*


echo "Home Space Utilization ($USER)" du -sh $HOME



*) echo "Invalid entry" >&2 exit 1




*) echo "Invalid entry" >&2 exit 1



Here, we modify the case-menu program to use letters instead of digits for menu selec- tion. Notice how the new patterns allow for entry of both upper- and lowercase letters.

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