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Determining The Number of Arguments

The shell also provides a variable, $#, that contains the number of arguments on the com- mand line:


# posit-param: script to view command line parameters echo "


# posit-param: script to view command line parameters echo "


Number of arguments: $#

\$0 = $0

\$1 = $1

\$2 = $2

\$3 = $3

\$4 = $4

\$5 = $5

\$6 = $6

\$7 = $7

\$8 = $8

\$9 = $9 "

The result:


[me@linuxbox ~]$ posit-param a b c d

Number of arguments: 4

$0 = /home/me/bin/posit-param

$1 = a

$2 = b

$3 = c

$4 = d

$5 =

$6 =

$7 =

$8 =

$9 =

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