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A.6. Chapter 6. Review Exercise‌

Question: What is the default desktop for Ubuntu?

Answer: GNOME is the default desktop for Ubuntu.

Question: From which Web site can you download additional Ubuntu wallpapers and themes? Answer: You can download additional wallpapers and themes from the Web site http://art.gnome.org/. Question: Mention any three features of the Nautilus file manager.

Answer: Three features of the Nautilus file manager are:

• Creating and displaying folders and documents

• Searching and managing files

• Navigating using two modes, browser and spatial

Question: Which is the file manager for the KDE environment? Answer: Konqueror is the file manager of the KDE environment. Question: What is a package manager?

Answer: A package manager is a programme that helps add or remove packages in Ubuntu.

Question: Differentiate between a graphical package manager and a command line package manager. Provide examples of each.

Answer: To add and remove packages, a graphical package manager uses the graphical interface while a command line package manager uses the command line interface.Add/Remove Applications is a graphical pack- age manager and apt-get is a command line package manager.

Question: Software that is not licensed under Ubuntu's main component licensing policy is referred to as


Answer: Software that is not licensed under Ubuntu's main component licensing policy is referred to as non- free software.

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