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Depending on the installation method you use, a mirror may be used to download additional compo- nents of the installer, to install the base system, and to set up the /etc/apt/sources.list for the installed system.

The parameter mirror/suite determines the suite for the installed system.

The parameter mirror/udeb/suite determines the suite for additional components for the installer. It is only useful to set this if components are actually downloaded over the network and should match the suite that was used to build the initrd for the installation method used for the installation. Normally the installer will automatically use the correct value and there should be no need to set this.

The parameter mirror/udeb/components determines the archive components from which addi- tional installer components are fetched. It is only useful to set this if components are actually down- loaded over the network. The default components are main and restricted.

# If you select ftp, the mirror/country string does not need to be set.

#d-i mirror/protocol string ftp d-i mirror/country string manual

d-i mirror/http/hostname string ports.ubuntu.com d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu

d-i mirror/http/proxy string

# Alternatively: by default, the installer uses CC.archive.ubuntu.com where

# CC is the ISO-3166-2 code for the selected country. You can preseed this

# so that it does so without asking.

#d-i mirror/http/mirror select CC.archive.ubuntu.com

# Suite to install.

#d-i mirror/suite string bionic

# Suite to use for loading installer components (optional).

#d-i mirror/udeb/suite string bionic

# Components to use for loading installer components (optional).

#d-i mirror/udeb/components multiselect main, restricted

B.4.5. Account setup

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