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At this point /dev/ only contains very basic device files. For the next steps of the installation addi- tional device files may be needed. There are different ways to go about this and which method you should use depends on the host system you are using for the installation, on whether you intend to use a modular kernel or not, and on whether you intend to use dynamic (e.g. using udev) or static device files for the new system.

A few of the available options are:

• create a default set of static device files using (after chrooting)

# mount none /proc -t proc

# cd /dev

# MAKEDEV generic

or depending on your specific architecture:


# cd ..

• manually create only specific device files using MAKEDEV

• bind mount /dev from your host system on top of /dev in the target system, like:

mount --bind dev /dev

Note that the postinst scripts of some packages may try to create device files, so this option should only be used with care.

D.4.4.4. Mount Partitions

You need to create /etc/fstab.

# editor /etc/fstab

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