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Juno has UEFI so the install is straightforward. The most practical method is installing from USB stick. You need up to date firmware for USB-booting to work. Builds from http://releases.linaro.org/latest/members/arm/ after March 2015 tested OK. Consult Juno documentation on firmware updating.

Prepare a standard arm64 CD image on a USB stick. Insert it in one of the USB ports on the back. Plug a serial cable into the upper 9-pin serial port on the back. If you need networking (netboot image) plug the ethernet cable into the socket on the front of the machine.

Run a serial console at 115200, 8bit no parity, and boot the Juno. It should boot from the USB stick to a GRUB menu. The console config is not correctly detected on Juno so just hitting return will show no kernel output. Set the console to


as described in (Section 5.1.1). Control-x to boot should show you the debian-installer screens, and allow you to proceed with a standard installation.

5.1.3. Applied Micro Mustang Installation

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