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3.2. Configuration
On server01 edit the /etc/munin/munin.conf adding the IP address for server02:
## First our "normal" host. [server02]
Replace server02 and with the actual hostname and IP address for your server.
Next, configure munin-node on server02. Edit /etc/munin/munin-node.conf to allow access by server01:
allow ^172\.18\.100\.100$
Replace ^172\.18\.100\.100$ with IP address for your munin server.
Now restart munin-node on server02 for the changes to take effect:
sudo systemctl restart munin-node.service
Finally, in a browser go to http://server01/munin, and you should see links to nice graphs displaying information from the standard munin-plugins for disk, network, processes, and system.
Since this is a new install it may take some time for the graphs to display anything useful.