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1.2.4. Apache2 Modules

Apache2 is a modular server. This implies that only the most basic functionality is included in the core server.

Extended features are available through modules which can be loaded into Apache2. By default, a base set of modules is included in the server at compile-time. If the server is compiled to use dynamically loaded modules, then modules can be compiled separately, and added at any time using the LoadModule directive. Otherwise, Apache2 must be recompiled to add or remove modules.

Ubuntu compiles Apache2 to allow the dynamic loading of modules. Configuration directives may be conditionally included on the presence of a particular module by enclosing them in an <IfModule> block.

You can install additional Apache2 modules and use them with your Web server. For example, run the following command at a terminal prompt to install the MySQL Authentication module:

sudo apt install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql

See the /etc/apache2/mods-available directory, for additional modules. Use the a2enmod utility to enable a module:

sudo a2enmod auth_mysql

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

Similarly, a2dismod will disable a module:

sudo a2dismod auth_mysql

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

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