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5.3.2. Installation on a system with disk attached

Again, the iSCSI installation on a normal server with one or many disks attached is identical to the Section 3, “Installation using debian-installer” [p. 8] section until we reach the disk partitioning menu. Instead of using any of the Guided selection, we need to perform the following steps :

1. Navigate to the Manual menu entry

2. Select the Configure iSCSI Volumes menu entry

3. Choose the Log into iSCSI targets

4. You will be prompted to Enter an IP address to scan for iSCSI targets. with a description of the format for the address. Enter the IP address and navigate to <continue> then hit ENTER

5. If authentication is required in order to access the iSCSI device, provide the username in the next field or leave it blank.

6. If your system is able to connect to the iSCSI provider, you should see a list of available iSCSI targets where the operating system can be installed. The list should be similar to the following :

Select the iSCSI targets you wish to use.

iSCSI targets on

[ ] iqn.2016-03.TrustyS-iscsitarget:storage.sys0

<Go Back> <Continue>

7. Select the iSCSI target that you want to use with the space bar. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the target that you want to select

8. Navigate to <Continue> and hit ENTER.

9. If successful, you will come back to the menu asking you to Log into iSCSI targets. Navigate to Finish and hit ENTER

The newly connected iSCSI disk will appear in the overview section as a device prefixed with SCSI. This is the disk that you should select as your installation disk. Once identified, you can choose any of the partitioning methods.


Depending on your system configuration, there may be other SCSI disks attached to the system. Be very careful to identify the proper device before proceeding with the installation. Otherwise, irreversible data loss may result from performing an installation on the wrong disk.

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