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5.3.2. Tomcat administration webapps

The tomcat7-admin package contains two webapps that can be used to administer the Tomcat server using a web interface. You can install them by entering the following command in the terminal prompt:

sudo apt install tomcat7-admin

The first one is the manager webapp, which you can access by default at http://yourserver:8080/manager/ html. It is primarily used to get server status and restart webapps.


Access to the manager application is protected by default: you need to define a user with the role "manager-gui" in /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml before you can access it.

The second one is the host-manager webapp, which you can access by default at http://yourserver:8080/host- manager/html. It can be used to create virtual hosts dynamically.


Access to the host-manager application is also protected by default: you need to define a user with the role "admin-gui" in /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml before you can access it.

For security reasons, the tomcat7 user cannot write to the /etc/tomcat7 directory by default. Some features in these admin webapps (application deployment, virtual host creation) need write access to that directory. If you want to use these features execute the following, to give users in the tomcat7 group the necessary rights:

sudo chgrp -R tomcat7 /etc/tomcat7

sudo chmod -R g+w /etc/tomcat7

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