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3.2.2. Get the Ubuntu Cloud Image with uvt-simplestreams-libvirt
This is one of the major simplifications that uvtool brings. It is aware of where to find the cloud images so only one command is required to get a new cloud image. For instance, if you want to synchronize all cloud images for the amd64 architecture, the uvtool command would be:
$ uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync arch=amd64
After an amount of time required to download all the images from the Internet, you will have a complete set of cloud images stored locally. To see what has been downloaded use the following command:
$ uvt-simplestreams-libvirt query
release=oneiric arch=amd64 label=release (20130509) release=precise arch=amd64 label=release (20160315) release=quantal arch=amd64 label=release (20140409) release=raring arch=amd64 label=release (20140111) release=saucy arch=amd64 label=release (20140709)
release=trusty arch=amd64 label=release (20160314) release=utopic arch=amd64 label=release (20150723) release=vivid arch=amd64 label=release (20160203) release=wily arch=amd64 label=release (20160315) release=xenial arch=amd64 label=beta1 (20160223.1)
In the case where you want to synchronize only one specific cloud-image, you need to use the release= and arch= filters to identify which image needs to be synchronized.
$ uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync release=bionic arch=amd64