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5.16. Troubleshooting

To view debug information about LXD itself, on a systemd based host use

journalctl -u lxd

On an Upstart-based system, you can find the log in /var/log/upstart/lxd.log. To make LXD provide much more information about requests it is serving, add '--debug' to LXD's arguments. In systemd, append '-- debug' to the 'ExecStart=' line in /lib/systemd/system/lxd.service. In Upstart, append it to the exec /usr/ bin/lxd line in /etc/init/lxd.conf.

Container logfiles for container c1 may be seen using:

lxc info c1 --show-log

The configuration file which was used may be found under /var/log/lxd/c1/lxc.conf while apparmor profiles can be found in /var/lib/lxd/security/apparmor/profiles/c1 and seccomp profiles in /var/ lib/lxd/security/seccomp/c1.

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