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5. Essential Applications that are missing(/not running)!
a. Synaptic Package Managerb. Gdebi Package Managerc. GNOME Tweaks (gnome-tweaks) –[formerly gnome-tweak-tool]i. Extensions you should consider adding (in no particular order):1. Keys Indicator:2. Text Scaler:3. For Notebook users – Battery Percentage and Time:4. Dynamic Panel Transparency:5. EasyScreenCast: (for recording your desktop)6. Random Wallpaper:7. System Monitor(s):8. If you are a notebook user there are three useful touchpad extensions: Touchpad Indicator, Toggle Touchpad, Extended Gestures9. Weather Applications:10. Alternative Menu.d. Dconf Editore. ClamTk:f. Gufw (Gnome uncomplicated firewall):g. rkhunter (root-kit hunter):