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Update your system!:‌

When was the last time you bothered to update any of your manufacturers hardware drivers, in particular the BIOS? Some members of the Zorin forum in the past have had issues with installation, quickly resolved by an update to the Motherboard’s BIOS. Also be sure you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on how to update the BIOS. On some earlier systems (early 00’s) some manufacturer/s were offering an update via Windows – bad move – you could so easily, er hem, trash the BIOS undertaking such a route! Those wanting to dual-boot should let that Other OS’s Disk Management Utility to shrink the main system partition to allow room for Zorin to reside, and never put any GNU/Linux on a drive at the start of the drive if dual booting as you are opening yourself up to potential future woes. Finally, if you are looking at dual-booting you should ALWAYS choose the ‘Something Else’ method. Tutorial video on dual booting with Windows 7™ here: https://vimeo.com/110085401

Dual booting tutorial for Windows 8/(10) here (extra special thanks to Matthew Moore): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlTgaWs9BD0

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