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Changing the Boot order:‌

Now once you have your chosen media you will need to change your Boot order from HDD/SSD to DVD/USB. This on grey machines (system builds that are not manufacture branded) will require booting to the BIOS and going to the ‘Boot Options’ page, and changing the order of boot sequence to the device that holds the image of Zorin. Some motherboards in the past have had a default key of F8 which is a bit bizarre from a Windows™ users perspective!

On Dell machines it is F2 to enter the BIOS, F12 to do a one time change in the boot order, For HP PCs (https://support.hp.com/in-en/document/c00364979), HP Notebooks (https://www.support.hp.com/us-en/document/c01443326/), Toshiba (https://support.toshiba.com/sscontent?docId=98080545), Acer (https://uk.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/7550/~/changing-boot- order) Asus (https://www.asus.com/us/support/FAQ/1008277/) Lenovo (https://support.lenovo.com/gb/en/solutions/ht117661)

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