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ear - Online in the Cloud

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ear - Ecere Archiver


ear command[command-options] archive required-parameters

Extraction Commands:
v (View) archive [archive-paths...]
x (Extract All) archive [output-directory]
e (Extract) archive archive-paths...
ew(Extract Where)archive archive-paths... output-directory

Archiving/Cleanup Commands:
a (Add) archive input-paths...
r (Refresh) archive input-paths...
u (Update) archive input-paths...
Add w (e.g. aw) for specifying an archive-dest-path at the end
Add f (e.g. af) for packing the contents of folders input-paths at the root of the
m (Move) archive archive-src-paths... archive-dest-path
n (Rename) archive archive-path new-name
d (Delete) archive archive-paths...
c (Clear) archive
s (Self Extract) archive self-extractable
Create a self-extractable archive out of an existing archive
sa(Self-Ext/Add) archive input-paths...
Create a new self-extractable archive and add files


ear is an archiving tool for manipulating Ecere Archives.

Compression is currently provided by ZLib. We hope to add support for other compression
algorithms and archive formats (e.g. .zip, .7z, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2) in the future to both
the Ecere runtime library and ear.

ear can pack files at the end of existing files (e.g. binaries), which is the basis for
the Ecere resources functionality. The Ecere runtime library supports accessing such
resources from the executable as well as imported modules (shared libraries).

The Ecere File manipulation API (which is used by all APIs taking in a file path)
understands resources paths with the general format: "<archive>path/to/file".

Resources from imported modules can be accessed as: "<:module-name>path/to/file".

Resources embedded within the application itself can be accessed as: "<:>path/to/file" or
simply ":path/to/file"

Resources can be emdedded inside applications and modules from the Project View's
Resources node in the Ecere IDE.


Compression Options (Add, Refresh and Update)
0 No Compression
1 ... 9 Fastest Compression ... Best Compression (default = 9)

Miscellaneous Options
q Quiet mode (Add, Refresh, Update, Extract and Extract All)


When using the f command modifier (with Add, Refresh or Update), ear will crash if any of
the input-paths is a file instead of a folder

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