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elb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert - Online in the Cloud

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elb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert - Set the SSL Certificate for a LoadBalancer port


LoadBalancerName --lb-port value --cert-id value [General Options]


Sets the SSL Certificate for the specified LoadBalancer port. Any previously
set SSL Certificate is no longer used for this port.


Name of the LoadBalancer. You can also set this value using "--lb".


-c, --cert-id VALUE
Id of SSL Certificate to use for the specified LoadBalancer port.

-l, --lb-port VALUE
Port on LoadBalancer for which to set the SSL Certificate. Required.


--aws-credential-file VALUE
Location of the file with your AWS credentials. This value can be set by
using the environment variable 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'.

-C, --ec2-cert-file-path VALUE
Location of the file with your EC2 X509 certificate. This value can be
set by using the environment variable 'EC2_CERT'.

--connection-timeout VALUE
Specify a connection timeout VALUE (in seconds). The default value is

--delimiter VALUE
What delimiter to use when displaying delimited (long) results.

If you are displaying tabular or delimited results, it includes the
column headers. If you are showing xml results, it returns the HTTP
headers from the service request, if applicable. This is off by default.

-I, --access-key-id VALUE
Specify VALUE as the AWS Access Id to use.

-K, --ec2-private-key-file-path VALUE
Location of the file with your EC2 private key. This value can be set by
using the environment variable 'EC2_PRIVATE_KEY'.

--region VALUE
Specify region VALUE as the web service region to use. This value can be
set by using the environment variable 'EC2_REGION'.

-S, --secret-key VALUE
Specify VALUE as the AWS Secret Key to use.

Show empty fields and rows, using a "(nil)" value. The default is to not
show empty fields or columns.

Displays the URL the tools used to call the AWS Service. The default
value is 'false'.

--show-table, --show-long, --show-xml, --quiet
Specify how the results are displayed: tabular, delimited (long), xml, or
no output (quiet). Tabular shows a subset of the data in fixed
column-width form, while long shows all of the returned values delimited
by a character. The xml is the raw return from the service, while quiet
suppresses all standard output. The default is tabular, or 'show-table'.

-U, --url VALUE
This option will override the URL for the service call with VALUE. This
value can be set by using the environment variable 'AWS_ELB_URL'.


Set port 443 of LB example-lb to use certificate myCert $PROMPT>
elb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert example-lb --lb-port 443 --cert-id

Use elb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert online using onworks.net services

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