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kuipc - Online in the Cloud

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kuipc - the CERN KUIP compiler


kuipc [ options ] [ inputfile [ outputfile ] ]


kuipc, the Kit for a User Interface Package Compiler, is a tool to simplify the writing of
a program's user interface code. It takes as input a Command Definition File (CDF) that
describes the commands to be understood by the program, and outputs C or FORTRAN code that
makes the appropriate function calls to set up the user interface. This code can then be
compiled and linked with the rest of the program. Since the generated code uses KUIP
routines, the program must also be linked against the Packlib library that contains them.

If no output file is specified, kuipc will output generated code to a file whose name is
the same as the input file's, with the ending '.cdf' replaced by '.f' or '.c' as
appropriate. If neither input nor output file are given, kuipc will prompt for them. Be
careful because kuipc overwrites existing files with no warning.


-c Generate C code.

-f Generate FORTRAN code (the default).

-split Output several files, one for each time the >Name control line is used in the CDF
input. The names of the output files will correspond to the arguments given on the
>Name control lines.

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