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pdbtool - An application to test and convert syslog-ng pattern database rules


pdbtool [command] [options]


This manual page is only an abstract; for the complete documentation of syslog-ng and
pdbtool, see The syslog-ng Administrator Guide[1].

The syslog-ng application can match the contents of the log messages to a database of
predefined message patterns (also called patterndb). By comparing the messages to the
known patterns, syslog-ng is able to identify the exact type of the messages, tag the
messages, and sort them into message classes. The message classes can be used to classify
the type of the event described in the log message. The functionality of the pattern
database is similar to that of the logcheck project, but the syslog-ng approach is faster,
scales better, and is much easier to maintain compared to the regular expressions of

The pdbtool application is a utility that can be used to:

· test message patterns;

· convert an older pattern database to the latest database format;

· merge pattern databases into a single file;

· dump the RADIX tree built from the pattern database (or a part of it) to explore how
the pattern matching works.


dump [options]

Display the RADIX tree built from the patterns. This shows how are the patterns
represented in syslog-ng and it might also help to track down pattern-matching problems.
The dump utility can dump the tree used for matching the PROGRAM or the MSG parts.

--pdb or -p
Name of the pattern database file to use.

--program or -P
Displays the RADIX tree built from the patterns belonging to the $PROGRAM application.

--program-tree or -T
Display the $PROGRAM tree.

Example and sample output:

pdbtool dump -p patterndb.xml -P 'sshd'

'assword for'
'port '
@NUMBER:@ rule_id='fc49054e-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'
' ssh' rule_id='fc55cf86-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'
'2' rule_id='fc4b7982-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'
'ublickey for'
'port '
@NUMBER:@ rule_id='fc4d377c-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'
' ssh' rule_id='fc5441ac-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'
'2' rule_id='fc44a9fe-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b'


match [options]

Use the match command to test the rules in a pattern database. The command tries to match
the specified message against the patterns of the database, evaluates the parsers of the
pattern, and also displays which part of the message was parsed successfully. The command
returns with a 0 (success) or 1 (no match) return code and displays the following

· the class assigned to the message (that is, system, violation, and so on),

· the ID of the rule that matched the message, and

· the values of the parsers (if there were parsers in the matching pattern).

The match command has the following options:

--color-out or -c
Color the terminal output to highlight the part of the message that was successfully

--debug-csv or -C
Print the debugging information returned by the --debug-pattern option as
comma-separated values.

--debug-pattern or -D
Print debugging information about the pattern matching. See also the --debug-csv

--file=<filename-with-path> or -f
Process the messages of the specified log file with the pattern database. This option
allows to classify messages offline, and to apply the pattern database to already
existing logfiles. To read the messages from the standard input (stdin), specify a
hyphen (-) character instead of a filename.

--filter=<filter-expression> or -F
Print only messages matching the specified syslog-ng filter expression.

--message or -M
The text of the log message to match (only the $MESSAGE part without the syslog

--pdb or -p
Name of the pattern database file to use.

--program or -P
Name of the program to use, as contained in the $PROGRAM part of the syslog message.

--template=<template-expression> or -T
A syslog-ng template expression that is used to format the output messages.

Example: The following command checks if the patterndb.xml file recognizes the Accepted
publickey for myuser from port 59357 ssh2 message:

pdbtool match -p patterndb.xml -P sshd -M "Accepted publickey for myuser from port 59357 ssh2"

The following example applies the sshd.pdb pattern database file to the log messages
stored in the /var/log/messages file, and displays only the messages that received a
useracct tag.

pdbtool match -p sshd.pdb \
–file /var/log/messages \
–filter ‘tags(“usracct”);’


merge [options]

Use the merge command to combine separate pattern database files into a single file
(pattern databases are usually stored in separate files per applications to simplify
maintenance). If a file uses an older database format, it is automatically updated to the
latest format (V3). See the The syslog-ng Administrator Guide[1] for details on the
different pattern database versions.

--directory or -D
The directory that contains the pattern database XML files to be merged.

--glob or -G
Specify filenames to be merged using a glob pattern, for example, using wildcards. For
details on glob patterns, see man glob. This pattern is applied only to the filenames,
and not on directory names.

--pdb or -p
Name of the output pattern database file.

--recursive or -r
Merge files from subdirectories as well.


pdbtool merge --recursive --directory /home/me/mypatterns/ --pdb /var/lib/syslog-ng/patterndb.xml

Currently it is not possible to convert a file without merging, so if you only want to
convert an older pattern database file to the latest format, you have to copy it into an
empty directory.


patternize [options]

Automatically create a pattern database from a log file containing a large number of log
messages. The resulting pattern database is printed to the standard output (stdout). The
pdbtool patternize command uses a data clustering technique to find similar log messages
and replacing the differing parts with @ESTRING:: @ parsers. For details on pattern
databases and message parsers, see the The syslog-ng Administrator Guide[1]. The
patternize command is available only in syslog-ng OSE version 3.2 and later.

--file=<path> or -f
The logfile containing the log messages to create patterns from. To receive the log
messages from the standard input (stdin), use -.

--iterate-outliers or -o
Recursively iterate on the log lines to cover as many log messages with patterns as

--named-parsers or -n
The number of example log messages to include in the pattern database for every
pattern. Default value: 1

Include a generated name in the parsers, for example, .dict.string1, .dict.string2,
and so on.

--support=<number> or -S
A pattern is added to the output pattern database if at least the specified percentage
of log messages from the input logfile match the pattern. For example, if the input
logfile contains 1000 log messages and the --support=3.0 option is used, a pattern is
created only if the pattern matches at least 3 percent of the log messages (that is,
30 log messages). If patternize does not create enough patterns, try to decrease the
support value.

Default value: 4.0


pdbtool patternize --support=2.5 --file=/var/log/messages


test [options]

Use the test command to validate a pattern database XML file. Note that you must have the
xmllint application installed. The test command is available only in syslog-ng OSE version
3.2 and later.

Validate a pattern database XML file.


pdbtool test --validate /home/me/mypatterndb.pdb

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