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splazers ========




SplazerS uses a prefix-suffix mapping strategy to split-map read sequences.If a SAM
file of mapped reads is given as input, all unmapped but anchoredreads are
split-mapped onto anchoring target regions (specify option -an),if a Fasta/q file
of reads is given, reads are split-mapped onto the wholereference sequence.

(c) Copyright 2010 by Anne-Katrin Emde.

-h, --help

Displays this help message.


Display version information

Main Options::

-o, --output FILE

Change output filename. Default: <READS FILE>.result.

-f, --forward

only compute forward matches

-r, --reverse

only compute reverse complement matches

-i, --percent-identity NUM

Percent identity threshold. In range [50..100]. Default: 92.

-rr, --recognition-rate NUM

set the percent recognition rate In range [80..100]. Default: 99.

-pd, --param-dir DIR

Read user-computed parameter files in the directory <DIR>.

-id, --indels

Allow indels. Default: mismatches only.

-ll, --library-length NUM

Paired-end library length. In range [1..inf]. Default: 220.

-le, --library-error NUM

Paired-end library length tolerance. In range [0..inf]. Default: 50.

-m, --max-hits NUM

Output only <NUM> of the best hits. In range [1..inf]. Default: 100.


Output only unique best matches (-m 1 -dr 0 -pa).

-tr, --trim-reads NUM

Trim reads to given length. Default: off. In range [14..inf].

-mcl, --min-clipped-len NUM

min. read length for read clipping In range [1..inf]. Default: 0.

-qih, --quality-in-header

quality string in fasta header

-ou, --outputUnmapped FILE

output filename for unmapped reads

-v, --verbose

verbose mode

-vv, --vverbose

very verbose mode

Output Format Options::

-a, --alignment

dump the alignment for each match

-pa, --purge-ambiguous

purge reads with more than max-hits best matches

-dr, --distance-range NUM

only consider matches with at most NUM more errors compared to the best (default
output all)

-of, --output-format NUM

Set output format. 0 = RazerS, 1 = Enhanced Fasta, 2 = Eland, 3 = GFF, 4 = SAM. In
range [0..4].

-gn, --genome-naming NUM

Select how genomes are named. 0 = use Fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. In
range [0..1]. Default: 0.

-rn, --read-naming NUM

Select how reads are named. 0 = use Fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. In
range [0..1]. Default: 0.

-so, --sort-order NUM

Select how matches are sorted. 0 = read number, 1 = genome position. In range
[0..1]. Default: 0.

-pf, --position-format NUM

Select begin/end position numbering (see Coordinate section below). 0 = gap space,
1 = position space. In range [0..1]. Default: 0.

Split Mapping Options::

-sm, --split-mapping NUM

min. match length for prefix/suffix mapping (to disable split mapping, set to 0)
Default: 18.

-maxG, --max-gap NUM

max. length of middle gap Default: 10000.

-minG, --min-gap NUM

min. length of middle gap (for edit distance mapping about 10% of read length is
recommended) Default: 0.

-ep, --errors-prefix NUM

max. number of errors in prefix match Default: 1.

-es, --errors-suffix NUM

max. number of errors in suffix match Default: 1.

-gl, --genome-len NUM

genome length in Mb, for computation of expected number of random matches In range
[-inf..10000]. Default: 3000.

-an, --anchored

anchored split mapping, only unmapped reads with mapped mates will be considered,
requires the reads to be given in SAM format

-pc, --penalty-c NUM

percent of read length, used as penalty for split-gap Default: 2.

Filtration Options::

-oc, --overabundance-cut NUM

Set k-mer overabundance cut ratio. In range [0..1].

-rl, --repeat-length NUM

Skip simple-repeats of length <NUM>. In range [1..inf]. Default: 1000.

-tl, --taboo-length NUM

Set taboo length. In range [1..inf]. Default: 1.

-lm, --low-memory

decrease memory usage at the expense of runtime

Verification Options:

-mN, --match-N

N matches all other characters. Default: N matches nothing.

-ed, --error-distr FILE

Write error distribution to FILE.


splazers version: 1.1 Last update Apr 2011

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