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tkpod - Perl/Tk Pod browser


tkpod [-tk] [[-no]tree] [-Mblib] [-I dir] [-d|debug] [-s|server]
[-filedialog module]
[-f function | -q FAQRegex | directory | name [...]]


tkpod is a simple Pod browser with hypertext capabilities. Pod (Plain Old Document) is a
simple and readable markup language that could be mixed with perl code.

Pods are searched by default in @INC and $ENV{PATH}. Directories listed on the command
line or with the -I option are added to the default search path.

For each "name" listed on the command line tkpod tries to find Pod in "name", "name.pod"
and "name.pm" in the search path. For each "name" a new Pod browser window is opened.

If no "name" is listed, then the main "perl" pod is opened instead.


When specified, "tkpod" will show a tree window with all available Pods on the local
host. However, this may be slow on startup, especially first time because there is no
cache yet. You can always turn on the tree view with the menu entry 'View' -> 'Pod

-tk Useful for perl/Tk documentation. When specified it adds all "Tk" subdirectories in
@INC to the Pod search path. This way when "Scrolled" is selected in the browser the
"Tk/Scrolled" documentation is found.

-s or -server
Start "tkpod" in server mode. Subsequent calls to "tkpod" (without the -s option) will
cause to load the requested Pods into the server program, thus minimizing startup time
and memory usage. Note that there is no access control, so this might be a security

Add the "blib" directories under the current directory to the Pod search path.

-I dir
Add another directory to the Pod search path. Note that the space is mandatory.

-f function
Show documentation for function.

-q FAQRegex
Show the FAQ entry matching FAQRegex.

-filedialog module
Use an alternative file dialog module, e.g. Tk::FileSelect, Tk::FBox or

-d or -debug
Turn debugging on.

Only for internal testing: exit before entering "MainLoop".


How to navigate with the Pod browser is described in Tk::Pod_usage. It's also accessible
via the menu 'Help' -> 'Usage...'.


Force a port for tkpod's server mode.

A list of directories (on Unix usually separated by ":", on Windows by ";") for
additional Pod directories. These directories will appear in the "local dirs" section
of the tree view.

See "Environment" in Tk::Pod::Text and "Environment" in Tk::Pod::FindPods for more
environment variables.


see Tk::Pod::Text

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