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mAdd - Online in the Cloud

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mAdd - Re-project and mosaic your images, with background rectification


mAdd [-p imgdir] [-n(o-areas)] [-a mean|median|count] [-e(xact-size)] [-d level] [-s
statusfile] images.tbl template.hdr out.fits


Coadd the reprojected images in an input list to form an output mosaic with FITS header
keywords specified in a header file. Creates two output files, one containing the coadded
pixel values, and the other containing coadded pixel area values. The pixel area values
can be used as a weighting function if the output pixel values are themselves to be
coadded with other projected images, and may also be used in validating the fidelity of
the output pixel values.


-p imgdir
Specifies path to directory containing reprojected images. If the -p switch is not
included, mAdd will look for the input images in the current working directory.

-n Co-addition ignores weighting by pixel areas and performs coaddition based only on
pixel postions. This flag refers to input images; the area file for the output
image will still be created.

-a type
Select type of averaging to be done on accumulated pixel values (either mean or
median). To generate a map showing counts of how many times each pixel was
overlapped by the input images, use count.

-e Enables exact size mode. The output image will match the header template exactly,
instead of shrinking the output to fit the data.

-d level
Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3).

-s statusfile
mAdd output and errors will be written to statusfile instead of stdout.


ASCII table (generated by mImgtbl) containing metadata for all images to be

FITS header template to be used in generation of output FITS

Name of output FITS image.


If successful, mAdd creates a FITS file out.fits that is a coadd of all the FITS files in
the table images.tbl, according to the header template given. A corresponding
out_area.fits is also created.


OK [struct stat = "OK", time=time]

ERROR MPI initialization failed

ERROR Invalid argument for -a flag

ERROR Cannot open status file: statusfile

ERROR Invalid image metadata file: filename

ERROR Need columns: cntr,fname, crpix1, crpix2, cdelt1, cdelt2, naxis1, naxis2, crval1,
crval2 in image list

ERROR Memory allocation failed

ERROR Too many open files

ERROR Input wcsinit() failed.

ERROR Failed to allocate enough memory for output arrays

ERROR Bad WCS in header template.

ERROR Images are not in same pixel space.

ERROR Template file not found.

ERROR FITS library error

ERROR general error message


The following example runs mAdd on 4 FITS images, generating the output file mosaic.fits.
Related files are images.tbl and template.hdr.

$ mAdd -p proj images.tbl template.hdr output/mosaic.fits
[struct stat="OK", time=1]

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