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sipwitch - Online in the Cloud

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sipwitch - script control and manage GNU sipwitch server.


sipwitch command [arguments...]


The sipwitch command allows one to interact with a running sipwitch daemon instance on the
current machine. This can be used to create management shell scripts or to perform basic
service operations, using the sipwitch fifo control interface. Normally this command
would be used only by root or someone in an admin group that the sipwitch daemon is
running under. If the sipwitch daemon is started by an ordinary user, the command can be
used by the same user to control that daemon instance.

abort terminate running daemon with core for debugging.

activate ext ipaddr
register a static sip extension manually on a fixed address.

calls list active call sessions on the server.

check verify running daemon for deadlocks or other problems.

concurrency level
set concurrency level of the daemon. See pthread_setconcurrency.

return server contact address for autoconfig.

digest userid [realm [type]]
compute a sip digest for the server realm.

disable conf-id...
remove /etc/sipwitch.d configurations.

down stop and shutdown the running sipwitch daemon.

drop user|callid
drop specified calls either by a user or call id.

dump dump server configuration to stdout.

enable conf-id...
enable /etc/sipwitch.d configurations.

events display server events as received.

grant group
grants directory access to system group.

history [size]
set size or dump recent error log history.

ifdown iface
notify server interface went down.

ifup iface
notify server interface came up.

message ext ``Text''
send a short text message to a registered extension.

policy print access policy list and peering (published) addresss.

period interval
dump periodic stats for specified minute interval, often used for cron.

pstats dump server periodic statistics. See ``stats''.

dump all user agent registrations to stdout.

realm [new-realm [digest-type]]
set or show the server realm.

release ext
deactivate an extension registered with the daemon.

reload load server configuration while live.

force server restart.

siplog dump sip messages from when trace is enabled.

create snapshot diagnostic file from daemon.

state id
set daemon to specified state id.

stats dump server call statistics.

status server mapped call status list.

trace on|off|clear
Set or clear server sip message tracing.

dump user cache.

verbose level
set daemon error logging verbosity.


Normally exit status is 0 if the request was successfully processed by the sipwitch
service daemon. An exit status of 0x indicates an error in the sipwitch utility, such as
invalid argument parsing. An error of 1x indicates some communication failure with the
server, and a error of 2x is related to errors on server processed requests.

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